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The Charleston Area Articles

People Powered Fair Maps graphic

The City of Charleston recently released their proposed district maps following their redistricting process.

Good Government Symposium Series logo Session 2

The full recording of the March 22 Redistricting discussion can be found here. The event looked at the impact that redistricting has on our democratic pro


With school board elections coming in November, we co-hosted a forum to highlight the importance of voting in the school board races, and how voters can evaluate which candidates will best represent them and their community.

LWVCA Treasurer Kate Peralta with husband
Member's Spotlight

Our treasurer, Kate Peralta, is from Hickory, North Carolina, and moved to Charleston to obtain her

Headshot of Dr. Jeri Cabot
Member's Spotlight

An Interview with Dr. Jeri Cabot, LWVCA Vice-President of Citizen Engagement

Dr. Jeri Cabot is a native Californian. Her formative years were spent in that glob of an area called

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The Charleston Area Subscribed Articles

Press Mention

The Statehouse Report

Statehouse handicappers say 2025 may be the year that lawmakers require South Carolinians to declare allegiance to one political party or the other when they register to vote, a long-time wishlist item for many GOP legislators. But Lynn Teague, vice president of the nonpartisan League of Women Voters of South Carolina, says a switch would not be in the interests of nonpartisan voters. “The League opposes both bills,” Teague said in a Jan. 9 statement. “Although either would be acceptable if all unaffiliated voters could vote in any primary, without further conditions.”

Making Democracy Work Network Update
Blog Post

Bills have been prefiled and next Tuesday the South Carolina General Assembly will return for the 2025 session. As usual, there are issues and bills that relate to our ability to make democracy work in South Carolina.

Women Power Democracy image
Blog Post

Our voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts in South Carolina contributed to the highest turnout ever in a presidential election. But important work remains. Now, more than ever, the League of Women Voters needs to—and will—combat threats to democracy and work courageously and persistently to ensure that South Carolina laws and government protect the interests and reflect the diversity of the people of our state. To do so we need to be bigger and bolder. We hope you will continue to stand by our side.

Press Mention


Besides the race for the White House, there is one other question that all of them will be asked at the polls this year, a statewide constitutional referendum. The League opposes this measure. “It is not because we want noncitizens voting,” LynnTeague, LWVSC VP, said. “We lose our inclusion to guarantee that every citizen has a right to vote, unless, of course, they’re disqualified by law.”

Press Mention

News 6 WJBF

The state constitution says “every” citizen of the state or country can vote in elections. The general assembly voted to add a question to the ballot asking if voters want to change the word “every” to “only.” Lynn Teague, LWVSC VP, said the change is redundant and may be harmful to legal citizens.