The LWVMC Programming Meeting will begin at 12:30 PM followed by the Board Meeting at 1:30 PM. Everyone welcome!
Every other year Leagues across the nation meet to consider what new studies or existing positions should be adopted and/or emphasized at the upcoming LWVUS convention. At the same meeting our League considers issues it would like to see studied or emphasized at the local level.
Leagues interested in a particular study lobby other Leagues nationwide to get their support at Convention. Several years ago, our League successfully lobbied other Leagues to support a resolution on Election Integrity adding transparency in all election procedures to the principles adopted by delegates at the 2004 and 2006 national conventions. We also brought a resolution against internet elections which failed.
In preparation of the meeting at 12:30 p.m. on February 3, 2020 at Mariposa Hall, review both LWVUS and LWVMC positions. They are numerous and may either need to be updated or emphasized for action in the coming year. The recommendations of this meeting will be presented to the Board for consideration at the Annual Meeting and by our delegates to LWVUS Convention.
Janet Brennan