Join the League or renew your membership

Join the League or renew your membership

Pay online via Paypal

One-year membership

This selection is for a ONE-YEAR-MEMBERSHIP.  For a recurring membership, please scroll to the box below. 

Choose an individual or household membership, enter your phone number, and follow the PayPal prompts to complete your payment. 

Annual membership

Phone Number

Address, email

Recurring membership

This selection is for a RECURRING MEMBERSHIP -  your annual fee will automatically be applied each year. Choose an individual or household membership, enter your phone number, and follow the PayPal prompts to complete your payment. 

Annual recurring membership

Phone Number

Address, email

Pay by check

Please mail your check with membership form to the League of Women Voters of Nevada County and mailing to P.O. Box 1306, Grass Valley, CA 95945

 Membership Scholarships and contributionsDonate

If you prefer to donate to us without joining our organization, we would appreciate your support! 


You can choose to make a General Donation or make a donation specifically to our Student Scholarship Fund.  Use the PayPal button below and click "General" or "Student Scholarship Fund" in the drop down menu. You can also donate by check. Make checks payable to League of Women Voters of Nevada County and mail to: P.O. Box 1306, Grass Valley, CA 95945


Membership Details

Who are the members?

Membership in the League of Women Voters, the most respected and effective grassroots organization in the country, includes men and women of all ages.

Our members make a visible difference by serving as leaders to create positive, lasting change in our community.

See our Brochure and a flyer with answers to Frequently Asked Questions about our League.

Why should I join?

Your voice on local, state, and national issues will have the backing of a respected and established national organization that provides you access to deep resources to stay informed about the issues you vote on. You will be able to help inform other voters on how to register to vote and on the issues that we all have the right to vote on. When you join the League of Women Voters of Nevada County you automatically become a member of the state and national Leagues with access to that vast membership.You will likely discover new interests, develop new skills, make professional contacts, develop lasting friendships as you meet others in League who share your interests, and become better informed of public policy.

What do you expect from me?

It's up to you! Many members choose to support the League solely with their annual dues. These funds are valuable to the League for use in the research necessary to evaluate issues in a fair and balanced way and then communicate that information in our community. We also moderate Candidate Forums and make presentations on Ballot Proposition Pros & Cons for each election. There are many ways to Get Involved that you can see on our Volunteer page.


You can contact us at president [at] We'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.