Home Rule Charter Advocacy Statement

Home Rule Charter Advocacy Statement

Home Rule Charter Advocacy
Research & Studies

                                                               Advocacy for Home Rule Charter in Mason County

by Amy Davis

In the LWVUS Impact on Issues guide 2018-2020 policy positions held under Representative Government, a broad position is stated, “to promote an open governmental system that is representative, accountable and responsive.”

As a local League, we should support the concepts, principles, and practices that make for effective local government. The primary function of local county government is to represent its constituents.

In advocating for Home Rule Charter (HRC), the League should recognize this form of local government as the best way to accomplish diversity, equity and inclusivity (DEI).

Home Rule Charter form of local government should maximize:

  • Diversity of the community - reflected in accessibility to government which fosters commitment, vitality, and fairness. Hearing of diverse points of view encourages involvement.
  • Citizens expect equity – an equal right to be part of the decision-making process.
  • Inclusive and widespread participation in being part of the process creates understanding and ownership of decisions. Expression of various opinions promotes a sense of inclusion.
  • Checks and balance of power among the executive and legislative branches of government and the electorate creates a shared responsibility. Referenda and Initiative opportunities make the electorate part of the policy-making process. 
  • Open and informed deliberation and citizen participation is elevated in that all issues, including those brought up by citizen petitions and requests should be acted upon in a timely manner so that the decision will be meaningful.
  • Under Home Rule Charter, the process of implementing decisions should be clear and understandable in order to allow for accountability and responsiveness to the citizenry.
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