Health: Positions adopted 1976 and 1977
The League supports measures which would promote equal access to medical care for all persons, regardless of race, national origin, sex, or income level.
1. We recognize the responsibility of both the public and private segments of the health care community to provide quality medical care to the entire population. Therefore, we would support systematic planning and cooperation among the members of the entire health care delivery system.
2. We recognize that health care should be delivered in the most economic and efficient manner feasible; however, the Board of Supervisors of Monterey County should make health care a priority within budget considerations.
3. The Board of Supervisors of Monterey County should explore methods for recovering payment from a non-resident.
4. The Board of Supervisors of Monterey County should adopt a comprehensive definition of medical indigence.
5. We recognize that the Natividad Medical Center is a viable and vital part of the total healthcare delivery system in the Salinas area and should remain a public entity. (1976)
- We also recognize that the Family Practice Residency Program is an integral part of Natividad Medical Center. We strongly support this program.
- b. We support a strong County Hospital Board of Trustees, which has good representation of the county population. The League of Women Voters of Salinas supports measures to include a Comprehensive Health Education Program in schools, including consumer health, mental-emotional health, drug use and misuse, family health, oral health, vision and hearing, nutrition,exercise, rest and posture, disease and disorders, environmental health hazards, and community health resources.
6 Family health should include human sexuality, along with other aspects of family health, rather than just sex education.
- Family health should be taught at different levels, beginning as early as kindergarten. Information should be taught at schools, not values.
- Sufficient materials should be available, including take-home materials.
- Qualifications to teach a comprehensive health education program should be met through in-service training, and/or the use of specialists when appropriate. Peer education should also be encouraged.
- Parent involvement could include parents assisting in class, parent involvement in setting up a program, parent advisory committees.