2021 Newsletters - Archived
15 December Edition January is a busy month in the League! As we enter into a New Year and a new General Assembly Session, remember the the LWV Virginia will hold their informative Women’s Legislative Roundtables, WLRTs, every Wednesday morning from 8 AM - 10 AM.
1 December Edition As we enter into a New Year and a new General Assembly Session, remember the the LWV Virginia will hold their informative Women’s Legislative Roundtables, WLRTs, every Wednesday morning from 8 AM - 10 AM.
17 November Edition Invite your friends and family to our new and prospective member meeting! Dec 12, 4 – 5 PM.
3 November Edition As this goes to print we don’t know the outcome of yesterday’s election – but we do know how much we have done to promote the right to vote.
20 October Edition We are coming to the end of yet another election cycle in Virginia. It can be exhausting especially after the tumult of 2020, however, this is yet another important election for Virginia. Remind people to vote - preferably early!
6 October Edition October is such a busy month! This is candidate forums season (see below for the information on those in Arlington and Alexandria City.) We are also wrapping up voter registration – the deadline to register to vote in this November’s election is Oct 12.
15 September Edition It is all voter registration, all the time right now. Please check your schedules to see where you can help. The last day to register people is Oct. 12, so we are in crunch time.
1 September Edition Welcome September – and the time when everyone begins to focus on elections. We have many voter registration events for which we need volunteers. Some are at food banks (Spanish speakers welcome but not necessary) and others are at condos and farmers markets.
18 August Edition Unfortunately, there is no rest for the Virginia weary because every year is an election year. The amount of work this League cranks out is stunning and I can’t thank you enough.
4 August Edition Happy August! It may be the “dog days of summer” but we have yet another major election in Virginia this November.
21 July Edition The League of Women Voters of DC has a great project to help further their important quest for statehood. More information can be found here: https://www.lwvdc.org/quilts4dc.
7 July Edition While it is summer, we can’t forget that we have yet another election here in Virginia this fall. We will be gearing up voter registration at outdoor events and already are committed to work Clarendon Day on Sept 25!
16 June Edition Members only section of our website is LIVE! You now have access to LWV Arlington’s Member’s page! Login to access the site’s Members only section.
2 June Edition Arlington is Virginia’s “little engine that could” - The Democracy achievement about which I am most proud is adaptability of our Arlington and Alexandria City members -- and their constant “yes” attitude.
19 May Edition This one I am simply going to entitle – YOUR SUPER POWER NEEDED! We all have a gift – a talent or just a strong interest in an area that we can develop. Now, as we gear up for yet another pivotal election, is your time to use that to talent to help us reach our goals. Consider this an old-fashioned HELP WANTED page!
5 May Edition Welcome to our Annual Meeting Edition. LWV Arlington’s Annual Membership meeting is June 5, 2021 from 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM. It will be a virtual celebration featuring Samia Byrd, Arlington’s Chief Race and Equity Officer, and Parisa DehghaniTafti, The Commonwealth’s Attorney, for Arlington County and the City of Falls Church (who is also a member of LWV Arlington!) We hope to see all members there! You can RSVP at https://lwvarlingtonannualmeeting.eventbrite.com.
21 April Edition We are gearing up for another election! Early voting for the June 8 primary starts April 23! We have our famous sandwich boards ready to go at farmers markets – if you can sign up for pick up and delivery please do so here.
7 April Edition We need help spreading the voter registration work at farmers markets! Our sandwich boards are back in action with new inserts detailing information for the June 8 primary.
17 March Edition Do you like to observe government in action? Are you a sleuth at heart? Then you are a perfect person to join our Observer Corps; Protecting our right to know is integral to the health of our democracy!
3 March Edition In observance of Black History Month, the Library of Virginia and Dominion Energy acting jointly have named LWV-Arl Board member Krysta Jones as one of two Arlington County winners of the Strong Men & Women in Virginia History Award. In addition to serving on the LWV-Arl Board of Directors, Krysta produces and hosts the the Arlington League's radio show "Making Democracy Work".
14 February Edition Happy Birthday! We, the League, were 101 years old on February 14! This still continues to be a time when the League was never needed more! We are working on all levels, Federal, state and local, to increase citizen participation and access to the polls.
3 February Edition We are beginning our adult civics education program! We want to provide basic civics instruction for people who hadn’t thought about it since grade school!
20 January Edition It is Inauguration Day in America – a hallowed tradition. In a time of illness, sedition and distrust, American goes on. We have done it before, and we will do it now. Yes, we are facing both sedition and illness together but we are tough! However, we know that Democracy requires…demands…action and if ever there was a time for action, it is now.
6 January Edition Happy New Year! Well, we made it – we are on the other side of 2021! I hope you and your family had the best possible and safest holiday season. Thank you for all you did during this difficult year. Here is to the future.