People's Voice on Climate Announces First United States Climate Assembly is Underway

People's Voice on Climate Announces First United States Climate Assembly is Underway

Climate Change
Sherri Dysart, Mason County LWV Climate Change Committee Chair, serves on the Monitoring Team for the Washington State Climate Assembly.
                                    Learn more about the critical work of the Assembly

People's Voice on Climate is thrilled to announce that the first Climate Assembly in the United States is underway! The outcomes of this Assembly will inform how our state addresses the advancing crisis of climate change - and how we can guarantee a better life for every Washingtonian. The climate assembly will bring residents from all walks of life together to develop a consensus on How Washington State can equitably design and implement climate mitigation strategies while strengthening communities disproportionately impacted by climate change across the State.


The 80 state residents making up the Assembly were selected at random to mirror the state in age, gender, race/ethnicity, geographic distribution, income, education, and views on climate change. The residents will attend 7 learning sessions about climate issues, featuring short presentations by a panel of experts and stakeholders as diverse as the attendees. They will then come to a “people's consensus” on mitigation strategies and solutions, which will be presented to the State Legislature. All events will be live-streamed on Tuesdays from 6-8 PM and Saturdays from 10 AM-1 PM, PST. Livestreams and recordings will be available on the Assembly's YouTube Channel


  • For more information on how Climate Assemblies work, how to get involved, and how the outcomes of the Assembly will affect you, check out the WA Climate Assembly website.

  • If you are interested in volunteering to increase community awareness and interest in the Climate Assembly, contact People’s Voice on Climate


Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if we can help in any way with further promotion. Thank you very much.



Barbara Lewy, Volunteer
Contact: 206.280.6104
Email: karen [at]
Six simple thingsyou can do TODAYto further our mission
  1. Sign up for our newsletter.

  2. Read an article or watch a video about climate assemblies.

  3. Tell your friends about our climate assembly.

  4. Ask your state legislators to learn about, support, and endorse the Assembly.

  5. Go to the Assembly and PVOCwebsites to follow/share on social media.

  6. Donate.

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