Close the Lobbying Revolving Door

Close the Lobbying Revolving Door

Action Alert Growth Management
Time Range For Action Alert: 
Feb 02 2021 to Feb 28 2021

SB 5170  is a step in the right direction to rebuilding public confidence.

Washington is one of the minority of states that allows legislators and high-level government officials to leave public service on one day and return the next day as a lobbyist. This is a problem because public trust in government integrity is undermined when there is the appearance that a legislator or other high level government official is beholden to any special interest. A modest one year “cooling off period” is a healthy reform that will strengthen our ethics laws and reduce the perception that public officials might be influenced by the prospect of future employment. SB 5170 would be a step in the right direction to rebuild public confidence in government. If your senator is on the State Government and Elections Committee in the 11th, 12th, 19th, 22nd, or 48th district please ask him or her to vote this bill out of committee.

                                           See Contact Information for 35th LD Representatives

PDF icon 35th_ld_reps_-2021_committees_table.pdf37.9 KB