Please join us as LWVTC hosts a forum on what we can expect on immigration issues with the change of U.S. Administrations. Strengthening Sanctuary Alliance, LWV-Mason County, and the Asian Pacific Islander Coalition of South Puget Sound are co-sponsors.
Register Here https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0lcOGvqTIsHNPAnL2L1HqnYoKxGuBz9eJt
Our speakers will include experts on immigration who will address:
* An overview of immigration organizations and the focus of each one
* US Federal level immigration issues and what policies the new Administration in D.C. has already affected, can affect and which may continue.
* WA State Legislation and immigration issues and legislative accomplishments and challenges.
*Regional and local immigration organizations’ current efforts and what is being planned for the future.