Good News! The Army Corps of Engineers is requiring that the proposed Enbridge Tunnel undergoes a full environmental review, thanks in part to concerned citizens like you asking the Army Corps to require this review.
Michigan Environmental Council: That was the ruling of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Wednesday.
Enbridge now must provide a full rundown of the environmental impact its infamous Line 5 oil pipeline might have on the Great Lakes it cuts through and the nature and people around it.
The Canadian oil company, which caused last decade's Kalamazoo oil spill, sought to fast-track a federal Clean Water Act permit for its tunnel.
As Oil & Water Don't Mix (which MEC co-steers) points out, some 3,100 of you urged the Army Corps of Engineers to act as they ended up doing. Thank you!
As Enbridge undergoes it's full environmental assessment, groups like Oil & Water Don't Mix will continue their grassroots campaigns to shut down Line 5. Meanwhile, MEC will continue to intervene in a Michigan Public Service Commission legal case.