Annual Potluck Dinner Meeting

Annual Potluck Dinner Meeting

Annual potluck dinner meeting


Zoom meeting
Connecticut US
Thursday, September 23, 2021 - 6:00pm

Our annual fall pot luck dinner will be online only this year.

Our guest speaker, Mary-Jane Eisen, Ed.D., JD (a retired professor) will speak to us about the Our Common Purpose report and how we can each help restore civil discourse and preserve our democracy. 

In 2018, The Commission on the Practice of Democratic Citizenship was formed. Their research report, Our Common Purpose: Reinventing American Democracy for the 21st Century, was published in 2020. Mary-Jane’s deep interest in preserving our civil society led her to explore their report, and now she wants to share her learnings with us.

Please preview the report in advance of the meeting and bring your own questions and ideas.

Please RSVP by 9/22/21 to receive a Zoom invitation. You can reach us by email at lwvgreaterhartford [at] 


About Our Guest Speaker:

Mary-Jane Eisen is a retired college professor who taught gerontology, adult education and gender studies at UConn and The University of St. Joseph. Following retirement, she earned a law degree from UConn Law School. She and her husband live in Avon.
Mary-Jane’s deep interest in preserving our civil society led her to explore the recently published final report of the bipartisan Commission on the Practice of Democratic Citizenship. Entitled “Our Common Purpose” (OCP), it includes 31 recommendations to strengthen American democracy and urges action in time for the Quarter Millennial in 2026 (i.e., the 250th anniversary of the establishment of the United States of America). She invites us to explore this report and its incisive proposals with her by touring the website — — and leading a discussion of possible next steps to enact OCP’s recommendations. You are encouraged to visit this site in advance on your own to get a preview of OCP’s breadth and depth and come prepared with your questions and ideas.
Contact Information
Karen Licht
lwvgreaterhartford [at]