League opposes initiative petition, a proposed law, submitted by "Secure MI Vote "

League opposes initiative petition, a proposed law, submitted by "Secure MI Vote "

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From LWV Michigan "League Links" dated Sept 19, 2021:

"On September 2, a group called Secure MI Vote submitted an initiative petition, a proposed law, to the State Board of Canvassers for review of the form and the summary. The Board of Canvassers must approve or reject the summary by October 1. The language of the initiative is available at SOS - Board of State Canvassers (michigan.gov).

"The initiative:
  • mandates that people disclose partial Social Security numbers when registering to vote. 
  • restricts options for registered voters to verify their identity. Acceptable forms of photo ID would include a driver's license, state ID card, passport, military ID, tribal ID, or student ID issued by a university, junior college, or community college. 
  • requires voters applying for an absentee ballot to include their driver's license or state ID number, along with the last four digits of their Social Security number, on their application.
  • prohibits election officials from sending or providing absentee applications unless asked.
  • spends $3 million providing free photo identification. 
  • bans charitable contributions, including volunteer time, to help administer elections.
  • allows the Legislature to adopt the law without a vote of the people and block a peoples’ referendum vote after adoption.

 "The Michigan Constitution, Article II, Section 10, allows citizens to initiate a law that can go to the Legislature or a vote of the people and become a law that the Governor cannot veto. 340,047 valid signatures must be submitted to the Secretary of State (8% of the number who voted for the Governor in the last election).

 The League of Women Voters of Michigan and members of the Promote the Vote coalition oppose the initiative and asked the State Board of Canvassers to assure the summary accurately reflects the initiative.  

 The League will continue to educate Michigan citizens that the election was fair and secure and that the initiative will make voting more difficult.

League to which this content belongs: 
Washtenaw County