Climate Change Webinairs and Presentations

Climate Change Webinairs and Presentations

Climate change

Washington LWV Environment Affinity Group has compiled a list of relevant Webinairs and Seminars that are being presented by various local leagues.  

Biweekly Mondays, starting November 2 at 7 p.m. 

LWVKitsap Climate Solutions Book Club
The LWVKitsap Climate Solutions committee is starting a book club! We have chosen our first climate-related book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates, to read and study. Our first meeting is on Tuesday, November 2, at 7 p.m. on Zoom and will recur every other week online. Please mark your calendars!
Be sure to register in advance for this meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting on Zoom.


Monday, November 8, 7 p.m. 

Marcia Christen “Living Plastic Free with Intention”
Marcia Christen, Certified Trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication, will join us to share her family's journey to reduce plastic as a way to live nonviolently and with interdependence. 
Please join us to learn some terrific skills about helping to solve this important problem. Be sure to to register in advance for this meeting: 

Tuesday, November 9, 7-8 PM 

LWV Snoho
Ben Thompson of WA DNR Urban Forestry
Ben will detail the Washington State “Evergreen Community Act” recently funded during the 2021 legislative session
Go to lwvsnoho Ben Thmpsonor to the Eventbrite registration page:

Tuesday November 16th, 7-8 PM

LWV Snoho
Lisa Dulude, Snohomish County Manager of the Office of Energy and Sustainability, details the model program “The Healthy Forest Initiative”undertaken in Snohomish County in partnership with Forterra. 
Lisa will emphasize the important role volunteers play in caring for the environment. 
Go to lwvsnoho or to the Eventbrite registration page: Eventbrite 


Listen to past webinairs

LWVKitsap: “The Future of Energy in Washington” Report and Recording from October 11, 2021
Speaker : Dr. James Conca, PhD
Dr. Conca gave a brilliant presentation on the role of nuclear power as the world powers grapple with climate change. He asked his viewers:
• Will our clean hydropower be sufficient to generate enough electricity?
• How much energy do we need for the future?
• Should nuclear power be part of the solution?
Dr. Conca is an earth and environmental scientist specializing in geologic disposal of nuclear waste, energy-related research, and work on issues in space for 34 years. He's been a consultant for the DOE, EPA/State Environmental agencies and industry companies including nuclear, hydro, wind farms, large solar arrays, coal and gas. He currently writes an energy and environment weekly column for
(Please note: the beginning of the webinar is missing due to technical difficulties at the time.)









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