Efforts Resume on CB Estuary Management Plan

Efforts Resume on CB Estuary Management Plan


Coos Bay City Council Chambers
500 Central Avenue
Coos Bay Oregon 97420
Oregon US
Wednesday, January 4, 2023 - 5:00pm to 7:30pm

The Partnership for Coastal Watersheds (PCW) which includes Coos County Staff, City of Coos Bay Staff, City of North Bend Staff and Port of Coos Bay Staff, has gone through an extensive process to evaluate the needs of the local governments and the community for the Coos Bay Estuary Management Plan.  Their past work included public meetings and an open house to share results from all of the data products that were created.  This effort has resulted in the development of an integrated assessment which was conducted with the assistance of the PCW steering committee, stakeholders representing, economic, socio-cultural, and natural resource protection interests, and public feedback from a previously held open house.

This effort started in 2015 and was presented by the Consultants, University of Oregon, Institute for Policy Research and Engagement to the Coos Bay, North Bend and County Planning Commissioners and City Councilors and County Board of Commissioners in 2019. The plan was to move the products from the effort into formal hearings and adoptions to have a unified plan. COVID stalled the process and after a re-evaluation and additional funding the County and City Staff would like to move this project forward. The findings and products will be presented to Councilors, Planning Commissioners and Board of Commissioners in an informational work session setting.

LWVCC encourages you to attend all sessions or as many as you can to learn more about the Estuary Management Plan

The work sessions which are open to the public as well will take place on January 4, 2023 as follows:                                                                           
The Planning Commissioners will be meeting at 5:00 pm.
The City of Coos Bay and North Bend City Councilors and Board of Commissioners will meet at 6:30 pm.
In addition a public house will be held on January 7, 2023 from 1 to 4 pm at the North Bend Community Center,
2222 Broadway North Bend, OR 97459, to allow the public to learn about the products and process going forward.

If you have questions, please contact Coos County Community Development at 541-396-7770 or email planning [at] co.coos.or.us.

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