International Port of Coos Bay Study finished

International Port of Coos Bay Study finished


The LWV of Coos County has completed its study of the International Port of Coos Bay. 

A video recording of the final study results is now available for you to view on our YouTube channel at the link below.  The adopted position statement can be viewed at this link on this website.

The LWV of Coos County began the process of reviewing and updating its position on the Port of Coos Bay in the fall of 2021. The  study team held their 1st informational meeting with members in January 2022.  A second meeting was held on Saturday, January 21st of this year.  The 3rd and final update meeting was held on Earth Day, April 22, 2023.  The recordings of all these meetings are available for you to view on our YouTube channel at the links below. 

There are two proposals for large scale development associated with the International Port of Coos Bay now under consideration. 

1.  A proposal for a large intermodal cargo terminal and rail connector was submitted by the Port and a private partner to the US Department of Transportation last year, and will likely be submitted again.  The study team provided a written summary of talking points on the proposed Port Container Project and possible alternatives for engaging in positive improvements to the estuary.

2.  A second proposal that indicates potential areas for infrastructure associated with offshore wind development is under consideration in Oregon.  We are not certain of the status of this project.

To find out more information on our study of the International Port of Coos Bay, we invite you to view the recordings of the update meetings we held throughout the update process.   As well as the PDF icon summary of talking points on the Port Container Project and ideas for engagement on positive improvements to the estuary.

The recording of the 1st meeting, January 22, 2022 is available here

The recording made of the 2nd meeting on January 21st, 2023 is provided in 3 segments - 1 an introduction to the study and update process, 2 - the update meeting, and 3 - the discussion held after the meeting

The League of Women Voters of Coos County has now finished their update on its advocacy position on the International Port of Coos Bay and a recording of that final update meeting held on Earth Day, April 22, 2023 is now available to view.  The final reporting of the study committee has been approved by the membership and the statement of findings of its position can be viewed here.  You can also access the results of the full study here

All recordings of this update process can be viewed at the above links on our YouTube channel.

We look forward to sharing this information with you.

If you wish further information contact:  Kay Kerriden, LWVCC President at 541-808-3413. 


League to which this content belongs: 
Coos County