We need your support! Thanks to everyone who submitted testimony in support of early voting. But the work is not done.
Implementing early voting will require communications with the public, training for volunteers, and technical support for municipal employees... all of which requires FUNDING.
The League of Women Voters of Greater Hartford has submitted this
testimony in support of fully funding an education and implementation budget for early voting.
Please consider using the language of this letter to send your support to your elected officials and the Appropriations Committee by Thursday, April 13.
Early Voting Legislation
On Wednesday, February 22, at 10 a.m., the Government Administration and Elections Committee held a public hearing on several bills to define early voting and no-excuse absentee voting in our state.
- Early Voting Implementation - three bills: SB 1057, HB 5004, and HB 1064.
- No-Excuse Absentee Voting Referendum - two bills: HJ1, SJ 29.
- An Act Concerning Absentee Voting - HB 6693
Thanks to everyone who submitted testimony to the committee letting them know that:
- Connecticut voters deserve a fair, effective, and accessible Early Voting process.
- Voters should be able to vote by Absentee Ballot without providing an excuse.
- Voters who use an Absentee Ballot should be given the opportunity to cure minor errors.
What to Say in Your Testimony Supporting Early Voting Implementation
(SB 1057, HB 5004, and HB 1064)
- CT Voters have spoken: The legislature needs to implement Early Voting.
- Provide ten days to two weeks of Early Voting.
- Include early morning, evenings, and multiple weekends.
- Provide convenient locations for elderly, working families, and disabled populations accessible by public transportation.
- Guarantee fair access in all towns: number of locations should be based on number of age-eligible voters.
- Fully fund implementation of Early Voting, which includes public education.
- Connecticut cannot continue to lag on voting rights – All but 4 States already have Early Voting.
- The overwhelming referendum results should be confirmed with fast action, including concrete steps for 2023, so we are prepared for 2024 Federal elections.
Compare the 3 Early Voting bills
See testimony regarding funding for Early Voting
What to Say in Your Testimony in Support of No-Excuse Absentee Voting
(HJ 1, SJ 29)
The Legislature also needs to pass No Excuse Absentee Voting to allow a ballot referendum in 2024.
- The ability to vote by Absentee Ballot during the COVID pandemic created a great increase in voter turnout.
- 35% of 2020 CT ballots were absentee (over 650,000 voters) with less than 1% of ballots rejected – lowest in recent history.
- Voters need options; we should make absentee voting available to all eligible voters.
What to Say in Your Testimony in Support of An Act Concerning Absentee Voting
(HB 6693)
- Support: We applaud expanding the process for curing absentee ballots, especially as more voters rely on them.
- Oppose: There is no reason to make public the names and addresses of applicants for Absentee Ballots. This is an unnecessary intrusion on voter privacy and would burden town employees without providing any benefit.
Address your testimony to:
Dear Co-Chairs Senator Flexer and Rep. Blumenthal, Vice-Chairs Sen. Slap and Rep. Morin-Bello, Ranking Members Sen. Sampson and Rep. Mastrofrancesco, and Distinguished Members of the GAE Committee
Send a copy of your testimony by email to:
Mae.Flexer [at] cga.ct.gov
Matt.Blumenthal [at] cga.ct.gov
Derek.Slap [at] cga.ct.gov
rob.sampson [at] cga.ct.gov
Gale.Mastrofrancesco [at] housegop.ct.gov
amy.morrinbello [at] cga.ct.gov
aimee.berger-girvalo [at] cga.ct.gov
pat.boyd [at] cga.ct.gov
seth.bronko [at] cga.ct.gov
Christie.Carpino [at] housegop.ct.gov
Gregory.Haddad [at] cga.ct.gov
joe.hoxha [at] housegop.ct.gov
rachel.khanna [at] cga.ct.gov
David.Labriola [at] housegop.ct.gov
martha.marx [at] cga.ct.gov
Cristin.McCarthyVahey [at] cga.ct.gov
Douglas.McCrory [at] cga.ct.gov
johnmichael.parker [at] cga.ct.gov
christopher.Rosario [at] cga.ct.gov
Hilda.Santiago [at] cga.ct.gov
Thank you!
Patricia Rossi, Vice President of Advocacy and Public Issues
Libby Swietek, President, League of Women Voters of Greater Hartford