NewsVoter Services Workgroup... September 2024
2024 is an important election year. While we're not as busy in California as league members are in some other states, we want as many of our neighbors as possible to be registered and encouraged to vote. Also, we will endeavor to provide our Solano County voters with the most accurate and fair ballot information possible before they cast their votes.
- Ballots will be in the mail between September 17th and October 7th, so time is critical.
- Voter registration efforts will continue into early October. and... we're encouraging all members and friends of LWV to be registration advocates with their families and neighbors. We have two voter registration tabling opportunities... and we need help staffing them:
- National Voter Registration Day... Tuesday, September 17 at Solano Community College
- Voter Registration and Education Week... October 7-10 also at SCC
- LWV California has an excellent report on the details and recommendations for all 10 state propositions... find this document on their website: https://lwvc.org/ballot-recommendations/
- There are 10 additional propositions for Solano County voters. If members would like to focus on the measures in their local communities, please let us know so we can provide some support and standardized methods.
- No county-wide measures
- Benicia - 3
- Dixon - 1
- Rio Vista - 1
- Fairfield - 1
- Suisun City - 1lwvsolano [at] gmail.com (subject: Voter%20Services)
- Travis USD - 1
- Travis USD - 1
- Vacaville USD - 1
- Candidate Forums... Fairfield City Council forum at Paradise Valley Estates on October 14... PVE is organizing and LWVS is moderating; a planned Rio Vista forum for the mayor’s race has been cancelled with only one candidate accepting the invitation.
- Vote 411... we plan to support the Vote 411 informational website that is organized by LWV California, but no materials have been received yet.
- We are currently seeking a lead person to continue the Democracy Matters project to create hands-on civics educational efforts for Solano County young people.
- FYI... some of you might have noticed the heading for these efforts: Voter Services Workgroup. We are the group that fulfills our LWV Solano mission. It takes members who are willing to lend their time and talent to pursue the tangible voter-centric work of the league. Please get involved. This is important work!
Interested in volunteering to help with our mission? Email: lwvsolano [at] gmail.com Att: Voter Services
League to which this content belongs:
Solano County