Success of Pros and Cons Ballot Proposition Presentations
by Stephanie Campbell
Director of the Speakers Bureau
The Orange Coast League’s work on the 2024 Pros and Cons of the ballot propositions was a great success. We increased our number of presentations to 26 this year to a variety of audiences. Our nonpartisan approach and our focus on education rather than advocacy was greatly appreciated from audiences of conservative to liberal voters. We had 11 presenters and did presentations from mid-September to the end of October. And of course before that we had a loyal group of writers who created our slide presentation, working from mid-June through the end of August. Plus we had to scramble right at the end when the list of propositions to be on the ballot substantially changed when the Legislature decided to enact some of those propositions into law!
A special nod goes to Laurie Jacobs and Trudy Josephson who volunteered over and over to give presentations to our various groups. And especially to Patty Santry who maintained our lists, formatted our slide and solved our technical problem
speakersbureau [at] lwvorangecoast.org