Do you know about the LWVOC Observer Corps?
by Susan Knight
Director of the Observer Corps
Ever wonder what’s going on in your city or county government, but don’t have the time to go to their meetings? There’s a wealth of information about those meetings available at your fingertips. Summaries of your City Council, School Board, Board of Education, and Board of Supervisors meetings are curated for you by a team of dedicated League of Women Voters OC (LWVOC) members who watch the meetings and report on activities that affect your community. It’s easy to access these reports on our website here.
Our team of 16 Observers may work behind the scenes, but they make a big impact by not only keeping the public informed on the work of their representatives in local government, but also by alerting LWVOC leadership of activism opportunities, and by putting local government on notice that they are being observed by people trained to understand the latest open meeting laws and League positions on a wide range of public policies.
The team has openings if you would like to contribute to this rewarding cause. The Director of our Observer Corps (observer.corps [at] lwvorangecoast.org)would love to hear from you.
Supporting Statistics about the Current Observer Corps:
· 16 active trained Observers
· 1 Observer-in-training
· 2 prospective Observers
· 8 OC cities being observed, with a potential for 11 cities covered in January 2025
· 2 school districts being observed
· 2 county board reported on through our website
observer.corps [at] lwvorangecoast.org