Annual Interviews with Our Elected Representitives
by Anne Stone
Every year, the League of Women Voters of California (LWVC) encourages local League members to interview their state legislators or staff. Legislative interviews are a powerful tool - increasing League visibility, gathering information, and raising awareness among California’s state representatives about our interest in policies they are considering.
Legislative interviews are an opportunity for legislators to share their priorities with local Leagues. Furthermore, the state League learns more about legislators and the interests of local Leagues, gaining information useful in planning statewide advocacy and education.
We discussed with each Legislator that the League never supports or opposes candidates or political parties, but that after thorough study and consensus we take positions on issues and where they can find those positions. We also invited each of the Legislators to join our League and of course encouraged continued communication.
This year Orange Coast had a dynamic team who researched our legislators, contacted them for an interview, scheduled team members for the interviews, and at the interviews asked the two required State League questions: Question 1: What major issues do you think the legislature must deal with in 2025? Question 2: What are your personal legislative priorities?
We met with 5 of our 6 Legislators. One position is still unfilled.
Tri Ta AD 70
Kate Sanchez AD 71
Diane Dixon AD 72
Cottie Petrie-Norris AD 73
Laurie Davies AD 74. (Held with North San Diego LWV)
Stephen Choi SD 37 (Was to be held with North Orange County LWV but he canceled at the last minute.
Catherine Blakespear SD 38. (Held with North San Diego LWV)
A report covering the Legislators responses and our observations was sent to the State and was also placed in the Members Only section of our website in the folder Legislative Interviews 2025. In addition to the reports, the folder contains the Legislators’ research, and the list of team members.
If you would be interested in being a part of the 2026 team, let me know at membership [at] lwvOrangeCoast.org ().