Unitarian Universalist Church
490 Aguajito Road
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California US
Wednesday, October 10, 2018 - 12:00pm to Thursday, October 11, 2018 - 11:45am
Lunch & Learn with the League. State Ballot Measures
Dennis Mar (LWVMC President) and Marilyn Maxner (LWVMC Treasurer) will present arguments for and against the eleven California State ballot issues. Information is taken from the League of Women Voters California "Easy Voter Guide," (www.easyvoterguide.org), "Pros & Cons," (cavotes.org/vote/elections/ballot-measures) and "In Depth." Other sources are the California Secretary of State's "Official Voter Information Guide," the Legislative Analyst's Office "Propositions, November 6, 2018," "Voter's Edge," and newspaper editorials. Note that local and county measures will not be discussed. The Propositions cover the areas of bonds, taxes, and regulation.
Bond Issues: Prop 1 (Affordable Housing Bonds), Prop 2 (Mental Health Housing Program), Prop 3 (Water Bonds), Prop 4 (Children's Hospital Bonds)
Tac Issues: Prop 5 (Property Tax Rules), Prop 6 (Reduce Gas Tax)
Regulatory Issues: Prop 7 (Daylight Savings Time), Prop 8 (Kidney Dialysis Clinics), Prop 10 (Local Government Rent Control), Prop 11 (Ambulance Employee Breaks), Prop 12 (Farm Animal Cages).
The Pros & Cons program will also be presented at later dates and venues to the Junior League and the Aromas Community Grange.
Contact for more information: Dennis Mar, DennisRMar3 [at] yahoo.com
Lunch at 12:00 pm
The 17 dollar lunch is at 12 p.m. and requires a reservation.
Contact elkor [at] redshift.com (Beverly Kreps) by Saturday, 10/6/18: phone 625-2084
Program at 12:30-1:30
The program is free and does not require a reservation.