All Perrysburg Area Articles


Voter Alert

The Ohio Secretary of State (SOS) has released the latest list of voters who will be removed from Ohio’s voter rolls if they do not take action by July 22, 2024.


Three Must-Watch Recordings on Public Education in Ohio

Recently, LWV Ohio's Advocacy Committee hosted their third discussion on the Committee's series on public education.  These discussions centered around the understanding that a quality public education is both a civil right and essential for a strong, viable, and sustainable democratic society. In each of these webinars, experts lay out the threats to public schools and possible solutions for our communities to discover. These are all must-watch recordings.  Below are links for each discussion.  


The Power Grab -- presented by Renee Fox, NPR WOSU

On 05/03/24, Ohio Voter Rights Coalition hosted a special program on the Ohio House Bill 6 scandal.  Rene Fox, NPR WOSU, was the featured speaker talking about her eight-episode podcast, The Power Grab.  During her presentation, she also answered questions.  
LWV Ohio is an Ohio Voter Rights Coalition partner along with Common Cause Ohio, ACLU Ohio, All Voting is Local Ohio, Ohio Voice, and other organizations. 

LWV Bowling Green and LWV Perrysburg Area encourages community to thank the Wood County Board of Elections


LWVPA Supports City of Perrysburg Transportation Services Tax Levy Renewal on November 7, 2023 Ballot

Following Statement Emailed to LWVPA Membership on October 20, 2023:

City of Perrysburg Transportation Renewal Levy
At the 10/11/23 LWVPA Board Meeting, your Board voted to take a “support” position on the City of Perrysburg’s Transportation Renewal Levy which is on the November 7 ballot. 
article written by Jan Larson McLaughlin, BG Independent News, and posted in 06/26/23 edition of

"Which presidential campaign produced the first nationally televised debate? The typical answer to that question is 1960, Kennedy v. Nixon."  Read the U.S. Senate's Art and History post provided by the U.S. Senate Historical Office for the story of women making history.  

All county boards of elections conduct a post-election audit after each and every election.
Watch this short video from the Ohio Secretary of State that explains the audits. 

Yes, Voting Machines are Tested Prior to Every Election

copied & pasted from:  Ohio Secretary of State Week in Review FWE February 3, 2023
