League Offers Candidates a Forum

League Offers Candidates a Forum

 The League of Women Voters (LWV) offers candidate forums as a Voters Service Project, so that information about the candidates will be offered on the issues that are relevant to the elected position.  Forums are carefully structured with fairness to give each candidate an equal amount of time and opportunity to present their views across a broad range of topics and to answer questions from the public in attendance.  Those who do not respond to the League's invitation to participate in a non-partisan forum  miss out on this opportunity to make their views widely known to the voters. 


Recordings of the Bandon School Board Forum, the Coos Bay School Board Virtual Forum, and the North Bend School Board Forum are now posted on this website; just click on the links above. 


Also, candidates' views can be found on the Vote411 website.


The LWV does take positions and advocates for public policy at the national, state, and local level, but only after a careful process of study and consensus from members.  The League does not support or oppose any candidate running for office, nor a political party.