Questions for Debates

Questions for Debates


Questions for the Candidates form is now closed!


The League of Women Voters of Coos County appreciates those that submitted questions to the Candidates for the Virtual Debates scheduled in the next few days.  Screeners are busy looking over the questions and will have them ready for the Mayor candidates on Wednesday and the State Senator & House of Representatives candidates on Thursday.


Recordings of the Debates will be available here on our website after the 16th - go to the Interviews & Debates link on the left.




You can choose to address questions to one or all debates.
If you wish a specific candidate to answer your question, please write their name before typing in your question(s).
Prior to the debate, the LWVCC will review all questions to ensure that they are clear, are not duplicates, do not include a personal attack, and address relevant issues.
If you wish a specific candidate to answer your question, please write their name before typing in your question(s).
Prior to the debate, the LWVCC will review all questions to ensure that they are clear, are not duplicates, do not include a personal attack, and address relevant issues.
If you wish a specific candidate to answer your question, please write their name before typing in your question(s).
Prior to the debate, the LWVCC will review all questions to ensure that they are clear, are not duplicates, do not include a personal attack, and address relevant issues.
Please confirm you are human to prevent spam submissions.
In a Democracy all citizens have the right to access info that help them make informed decisions.

Thank you for participating in our Virtual Candidate Debates!