Good Governance Symposium Series: Voting Rights

Good Governance Symposium Series: Voting Rights

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South Carolina US
Monday, March 1, 2021 - 6:00pm to Tuesday, March 2, 2021 - 5:45pm

This critical event on Voting Rights will kick off our Good Government Symposium. 

If you registered but did not receive the zoom link, please email us at charlestonlwv [at]

As our nation sees unprecedented levels of partisanship division, now more than ever, thoughtful non-partisan discussion of public policy issues and topics is essential. It is a role the League of Women Voters is both committed to and well positioned to execute. Our Good Government Symposium Series will run from March to June, and will promote education and awareness relating to critical good government issues that impact national, state and local governance.

In this important first session, we will explore the history of the Voting Rights Act, attempts to dismantle the legislation, including the impacts of Shelby County v. Holder (2013), recent voting restrictions, and solutions to move forward and ensure every person has a voice.

Register to attend here.

Keynote Speaker: Leah Aden, Deputy Director of Litigation at the NAACP Legal Defense & Education Fund (LDF)


  • Susan Dunn, Legal Director, ACLU of South Carolina
  • Lynn Teague, Vice President of Issues and Action, League of Women Voters South Carolina

Suggested Pre-Reads:

This event is brought to you by the League of Women Voters of the Charleston Area in collaboration with sister Leagues of Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Area, Greenville County, Spartanburg County, Florence County, Columbia Area and Clemson Area and our state League, LWVSC. It is free and open to the public but you must register in order to receive the ZOOM link.

Contact Information
Barbara Griffin
bkgriffin [at]