
South Carolina

The League of Women Voters is proud to be nonpartisan, neither supporting nor opposing candidates or political parties at any level of government, but always working on vital issues of concern to members and the public.

We encourage informed and active participation in government, work to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influence public policy through education and advocacy. Follow the bils and our testimonies during the 2024 South Carolina Legislative Session. 


Lynn Teague, LWVSC VP for State Issues & Advocacy, at the SC Statehouse steps
Press Mention

South Carolina Daily Gazette

We are approaching an election that people of all political persuasions agree is crucial for the future of our nation.
Sadly, many qualified citizens choose not to participate in this most basic method of influencing how we are governed. However, there is a solution: When enough people understand that despite obstacles, our votes can be truly powerful. Most of the noise about election integrity is simply that, noise arising from misinformation or even intentional disinformation. Make a plan, inform yourself, and vote!

Power Lines
Press Mention

The CEOs of Dominion, Santee Cooper, and Duke Energy want South Carolina to abandon very important elements of the system of utility regulation established after the V.C. Summer collapse. The League of Women Voters of South Carolina continues to advocate for fair evidence-based utility regulation to ensure our state's future.

South Carolina Voting Rights Convening 10.5.24
Event Date: 
Oct 05 2024 09:00 am
Event location: 

USCB/Columbia Campus & virtual

Join the South Carolina Voting Rights Coalition for a diverse range of workshops that will empower and equip you to effect positive change in our electoral system. Whether you are a seasoned activist or new to the realm of voting rights, there will be ample opportunities to learn, network, and engage in meaningful dialogue. In-person and virtual registration options.

Joan Zaleski
Press Mention

The Post & Courier

Voters across South Carolina will be asked in November to decide on a ballot issue that proposes to change the language in our constitution related to voter qualifications. This proposal is at best confusing, and at worst misleading. We urge voters to vote against it.

Nancy Williams on the Arena's Shattered Ceilings

Our president, Nancy Williams, was interviewed on The Arena's Shattering Ceilings podcast on August 14 in advance of Women's Equality Day (August 26). 

CoverSC logo

According to the research, Medicaid expansion is projected to result in large-scale economic growth in South Carolina. If the state were to expand Medicaid in 2026, South Carolina would see the creation of nearly 20,000 new jobs over the first three years of Medicaid expansion. On a yearly average, South Carolina would also see a $4.04 billion increase in economic output and a $100 million rise in county and state tax revenue.

Poll workers power our democracy

Staffing the polls = keeping democracy strong! Help South Carolinians vote as a paid poll worker (poll "manager") for your local board of elections. Volunteer as a nonpartisan poll monitor with the Election Protection coalition. Poll watchers are appointed by candidates or political parties to observe Election Day procedures in a precinct.

College students, register to vote!
Blog Post

Are you attending college in South Carolina? If so, you have a choice to make.

Resident students in South Carolina may register to vote either where they reside while attending college or at their home of origin. Whether you consider yourself to be more a resident of your college location or your original home location is up to you. Only you can decide where you think you want your voice as a voter to be heard. Just know that you can vote either where you attend school or at your home of origin, but not both.

The ERA: So close after coming so far
Event Date: 
Sep 12 2024 06:30 pm
Event location: 

In Person or via Zoom

Hear from two researchers who’ve documented the 100-year journey of the ERA, and from an advocate who explain how the ERA can finally become a reality in 2024. Sponsored by LWV Greenville., Recording now available!

Freedom to Read SC logo

Advocates and community leaders have launched “Freedom to Read SC,” a statewide coalition that will work to defeat unconstitutional efforts to ban books from school and public libraries. The Coalition includes educational organizations, civil rights groups, religious entities, and others who are committed to free speech and the free exchange of ideas.

Book bans are in direct violation of the First Amendment, which guarantees all Americans the right to access information and the freedom to read without censorship. Help defend the right to read in SC.

June 2024 SC Voter cover
Spring/Summer 2024 SC Voter newsletter
Read about 2024 General Assembly actions, continuing threats to public education, and healh care concerns. The League has been successful! Check out our 2023 survey results, Council highllights and League iniitiaives across the state. 
Importantly, get ready for elections with President Nancy Williams.