2022 Newsletters
21 December 2022 Happy Holidays! We made it through another interesting year…. Will we ever have a “normal” one again? The important thing to remember is that we meet all new challenges!
7 December 2022 I am so pleased to announce that we have the final numbers for the joint League efforts to register new citizens. We registered 2295 new citizens and all leagues involved contributed 556 volunteer hours. Of those hours, 135.5 hours or 24% were given by Arlington- Alexandria City LWV members! That is the highest number of hours donated outside of the LWV Fairfax which sponsored the program!
16 November 2022 Dec 7 is shaping up to be a busy day. First it is the LWV Virginia’s Pre Session which allows us to learn of the League’s and our partner’s legislative agenda for the 2023 General Assembly. Also, LWV US is planning a rally that morning in front of the Supreme Court as they take up the very dangerous “Independent State Theory Case”, the Moore vs Harper Case. I
2 November 2022 Hey, did you know we had an election coming up next week? Really! Seriously, there is still time to do some Get Out the Vote Work (GOTV). It is also vitally important that everyone knows their rights when voting. The Fair Elections Center has produced "Know Your Rights Guides" for several states including Virginia.
19 October 2022 Thanks to our handy postcard writers, everyone we registered in 2021 and 22 received Get Out the Vote (GOTV) postcards reminding them of early voting and election day voting.
5 October 2022 We are in the homestretch of voter registration season. Thanks to all who have come out to register people, in high schools and events around the County and City.
21 September 2022 Thanks! That is all I can say. We are filling our voter registration events, including the high school programs and expanding our outreach. This year alone we have registered more than 600 people
7 September 2022 Voter registration, now is the time. From now until Oct 17 it is all voter registration, all the time! Please take a look at below at the dates – we have many events in both Alexandria City and Arlington! We need lots of volunteers in the next six weeks.
3 August 2022 WE ARE ON AMAZON SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have qualified for Amazon Smile, Amazon’s program that allows their customers to support charities. If you are an Amazon shopper, remember to use Smile everytime you order and we will receive the donations. It is an easy way to support the Arlington/Alexandria League.
20 July 2022 Is there no rest for the good? Well maybe a little. We do have a bit of downtime in summer BUT we are already gearing up for the fall voter registration push.
6 July 2022 We have just come off our first hybrid LWV US Convention. It was good to have the option to be virtual, but I hope someday we can all be together because nothing beats the excitement of Convention Hall. We will have a full slate of action for the upcoming year after the July 21 board meeting. Remember we do need help with the condominium elections, voter services, oral histories, and the Arlington County Civic Federation.
15 June 2022 What a fun annual meeting we had! It was so good to see everyone especially so many new members whom we had never met in “real time!" Let’s hope this is the start of many in person events.
1 June 2022 Reservations for our June 12 Annual Meeting and Rank Choice Voting dessert reception can be made until June 7. You can bring friends who are interested in the League, but they will not be able to vote at the Annual Meeting. Still, this is a good way to interest potential members in our work.
18 May 2022 Come one, come all to our IN PERSON annual meeting on June 12 at the Hilton Garden Inn Shirlington. We will have a one-hour mix and mingle outside and do ranked choice voting with food!!! The meeting will be inside, but the room is large enough for us to space appropriately.
20 April 2022 This is a great time to get new voters! If you know of any community events or other programs at which we can register new voters, please let Don Gurney know.
6 April 2022 How many ways can you say, “You all are amazing?” I have thought of several, but they are not good enough for our voter services team. Registering voters is “what we do” in the League and registering students is vital! So, I will say it once again, THANK YOU all.
16 March 2022 Help Wanted Section! We have several needs in the League right now and if you have a talent that can lend a hand, please let me know. Find your niche! Contact me for more information. LWVArlingtonva [at] gmail.com
2 March 2022 There are distinct seasons to the League calendar. This is the season of events. There is something for everyone in the League – so find your niche and jump in.
16 Feb 2022 I ask you all to look ahead to July 1 and a new fiscal year. That is the beginning of the League’s new year as well. That is also when we have a new board, however, to make that new board, we need people to step up and serve.
2 Feb 2022 NOW IT IS VALENTINE’S DAY AND THE LEAGUE’S 102 BIRTHDAY SO IT IS TIME FOR OUR BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION PROJECT!!! We need some positive energy and birthday joy! SO, sign up to send a Valentine to our state and local elected officials. We are fortunate in this area that our General Assembly Delegates and Senators support the League positions on expanding and protecting the vote.
19 Jan 2022 That calendar keeps moving on! We are now in the 2022 “long session” of the Virginia General Assembly. I hope that you have time to attend the LWV Virginia’s weekly Women’s Legislative Roundtables WLRTs and League Day which is January 26 this year.
5 Jan 2022 Tomorrow, January 6, is fast becoming a day of remebrance and service. The League is joining other organizations to commerate the day with vigils and action to promote voter registration. You can find all of the events here https://www.mobilize.us/democracyvigils/.