Learn more about your candidates for City Council and School Board! LWVFC and the Village Preservation Improvement Society are hosting a virtual candidate forum for the City Council Candidates on Thursday, Sept.
Members, please join our Annual Meeting to review the budget and slate of officers. We'll hear from guest speaker Cameron Kistler from the non-profit Protect Democracy.
The Virginia League of Women Voters is joining the national LWV in a National Day of Action on Redistricting by holding a webinar on Thursday April 29 from 7-8:30 p.m.
New to the League or just curious about how advocacy, education and outreach programs work? Have a question about the League you have been dying to ask? Join Nancy Tate, former Executive Director, LWVUS.
Are you interested in promoting a more vibrant, diverse, and inclusive Falls Church City for years to come? Join the LWV Falls Church and Citizens for a Better City in a discussion of affordable housing in Falls Church City throug