Friday, September 4, 2020 - 12:30pm to 2:30pm
Board meetings are normally held at Timberland Regional Library but may be changed to a ZOOM meeting.
- Welcome and Approval of Board/Retreat Meeting Minutes
- Request for ZOOM hosts with reliable broadband
- Question: How do we get climate facts to MC voters?
Treasurer's Report
Secretaries Schedule- sent to the board and on file
Voter Services
- National Voter Registration Day- September 22- what's the best venue
- Postcard project- All Hands on Deck!. Push to reach first time voters, younger voters and those infrequent voters. Fundraising ideas needed for postcard project.
Member Services
- In the age of Covid, how can we recruit and engage new members? Ways to reconnect with those we haven't heard from?
- Dues: Revisit structure. Should we add a Paypal option?
- September 15: Speaker, Hilary Franz, Commissioner of Public Lands
- October 20: Be Vote Ready- Paddy McGuire, Kim Wyman (assistant), speakers and Ballot issues
- Novemeber 17- Addressing Race- speaker TBA
- December 15: Centennial Committee presents- three more notable Women Leaders of Mason County
Climate Change Committee
- Report on future speakers, town hall meeting possibilities
Candidate Forums
- 35th LD and County Commissioner District 1 and 2- who might be willing to coordinate forums, date, venue? Possible help from MasonWeb TV
- Lobby Team Liason- upcoming Action Workshops
Book Discussions/Recommendations
- "Falter: has the Human Race Begun to Play Itself Out". By Bill McKibben.
Additional Event Hosts:
Karen Herr Co-President