Citizen Initiative Review; Judicial Review and Quality Control Options

Citizen Initiative Review; Judicial Review and Quality Control Options

Liuetenant Governor Primary Forum
Monday, October 19, 2020 - 11:45am to 1:45pm

A two part discussion on existing challenges and potential reforms to the initiative process, kicking off with a session featuring experts in Citizens Initiative Review: Kathy Sakahara, Democracy Advocacy Chair for WA League of Women Voters and Robin Teeter, Executive Director of Healthy Democracy. Followed by an in-depth discussion of the procedural challenges and potential reforms to the initiative review process, featuring Judge Carol Murphy from the Thurston County Superior Court, King County Elections Director Julie Wise, and practitioners who routinely bring and defend initiative challenges.

This is sponsored by the King County Bar Association.  It is free but you must register to participate.

More information and to Register