Climate Change Committee Meeting

Climate Change Committee Meeting

Climate Change


ZOOM Meeting
Thursday, November 19, 2020 - 3:00pm to Friday, November 20, 2020 - 3:45pm
Topic:  Common Ground on Climate Change
Speaker: Steve Ghan, Ph.D., Climate Change Scientist with Pacific Northwest Laboratory
This is part of the Climate Change Committee outreach to bring highly respected scientists into our community to share critically important information about the reality of climate change, to increase awareness of that reality, and to inspire citizens to take action on a personal level.

Contact  Sherri Dysart (sherridysart [at] for a link to the meeting and with questions to ask of the speakers.

ZOOM meeting invitations will be sent one day ahead of the meeting.  The meetings will be recorded.

Contact Information
Sherri Dysart
sherridysart [at]