Saturday, April 5, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
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LWVWA is holding a consensus meeting that will be open to all members. Attendees should have read the study, study guide and consensus question and be prepared to discuss each issue.
Register here.
Information on Consensus Process
A Study Guide outlines the consensus process.
Study Materials
. You can find the information on the Federal Judiciary Study at 2024-2025 Federal Judiciary Study Process, Committee, and Resources | League of Women Voters.
The LWVUS Study consists of 9 nine short policy briefs on various subjects, and an index of key terms to be familiar with. Here are links to the policy briefs:
- Financial Disclosure
- Judge Shopping
- Judicial Ethics and Enforcement
- Legitimacy and the US Supreme Court
- Recusal
- Representation
- Shadow Docket
- Stare Decisis and Binding Precedent
- Structural reforms for the US Supreme Court
- Key Terms for the Federal Judiciary Study
Additional background information from the Study Committee includes: Understanding Federal Courts; US Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges: and Congressional Research Service Paper, The Supreme Court Adopts a Code of Conduct.
(Study materials were also emailed to LWV Mason County League members )