Workshop: Title 17.50 Mason County Shoreline Master Program - Periodic Review and Update 2021
For Information on how to attend via ZOOM, contact Maria Frazier at mfrazier [at] or call 360 427-9670 ext 365
- Planning Advisory Commission and Public review of draft SMP amendments that address the intent of a periodic review as outlined in WAC 173-26-90. The intent of the amendments is to accomplish the following:
- to revise code as necessary to incorporate updates to the Shoreline Management Act as prescribed by the Washington State Department of Ecology
- to assure consistency of the SMP with Comprehensive Plan and development regulations
- to provide clarifications to improve implementation and accessibility of the Shoreline Master Program
- Also to be reviewed are amendments to Title 8.52 Mason County Resource Ordinance and Title 15 Development Code in order to establish consistency with the Shoreline Master Program and to provide greater clarity and improved implementation of the code.
Please visit the Mason County website, in particular the 2021 Shoreline Master Program webpage, for updates and links to meetings, draft documents, and comment periods, when available. Please send comments or questions regarding this workshop to the project manager, Marissa Watson at mwatson [at]
If special accommodations are needed, or for information on how to attend this public workshop via Zoom, please contact Mariah Frazier at mfrazier [at] or call (360) 427-9670 ext. 365.