Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - 5:00pm to Thursday, April 22, 2021 - 4:45pm
Microplastics are all around us. They have been found in human kidneys, livers, lungs, spleesns, and mother's milk. Single use plasticspollute our roadways and our beaches, and they create vast islands of waste in our oceans. Chemicals used to create and destroy plastic are in the air we breathe and sicken our children, especially in communities of color.
How do we respond to this assualt on our health and our environment? One response is to arm ourselves with knowledge.
Join Kitsap League of Women Voters and the Olympic College's joint webinair: Plastic, the Big Picture, Local Insights, and What You Can Do.
For more information about the Webinair and the Link to ZOOM