Join us at the LWVWA Convention: The Next Hundred Years: Defending Democracy.
Plan now to attend—each local League may send its president and delegates, as determined by the final membership count with the LWVUS as of January 31, 2021. Anyone may attend as an observer. This is a great place for new and long-term members to learn more about the League, meet members from across the state, and be inspired about our next hundred years.
You do not need to be an official delegate of your Local League to attend the convention! You may attend all of the programming and caucuses as an interested League Member, and if you have a great League prospect who is not yet a member, you can encourage them to attend, too. For voting purposes, only delegates will be able to attend the Plenary sessions via Zoom; nondelegates will be able to watch those proceedings via livestream on YouTube. All sessions will be recorded and available for viewing as soon as we are able to post the videos.
The business of the convention will set the stage for the 2021-2023 biennium and will include adopting the Program of Work, electing officers and the board of directors, and approving both the budget and the bylaw amendments. A variety of workshops will address key issues and provide tips and ideas from others for League work.
Additional convention details will be forthcoming. The final convention business will be posted by May 14, 2021 (per bylaw requirement.