LWVC Advocacy Teach-In & Tune-Up - January 20, 2022

LWVC Advocacy Teach-In & Tune-Up - January 20, 2022



California US
Thursday, January 20, 2022 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

This LWVC webinar is designed for both new activists and League veterans and will prepare you to work with the League on statewide policy initiatives.

You will learn:
• How we form positions and take action
• The mysteries behind California’s state legislative process
• Ways to develop issue-proficiency and build a powerful network
• A framework for understanding and analyzing legislation
• About available volunteer opportunities

You don’t need expertise to attend. We welcome anyone with a passion for better public policy, a desire to develop skills, and the interest and time to be a grassroots leader!

Advance registration is required. Click here to register.  

Contact Information
Mary Schreiber and Marian Shostrom
action-advocacy [at] lwvdv.org
This event is related to which committees: 
LWV Diablo Valley Action Committee