LWVMC Virtual General Meeting: "LWV Positions on Ballot Measures" - Helen Hutchison, will briefly explain each of the twelve Propositions on the November California General Election ballot, and the “Vote with the League” recommendation to vote “Yes” or “No’” or why the LWVC is “Neutral" on each. A question and answer session will follow her presentation as time permits.
In brief, the Propositions before us on the California ballot are: 14 Stem Cell Research; 15 Schools & Communities First; 16 Opportunity for All; 17 Restore Voting Rights; 18 Voting Rights for 17-Year Olds; 19 Property Tax Breaks; 20 Rollback on Criminal Justice Reforms; 21 Local Governments & Rent Control; 22 Rideshare & Delivery Drivers; 23 Kidney Dialysis Clinics; 24 Consumer Data Privacy; 25 End Cash Money Bail.
This free October LWVMC General Meeting, presentation, and question-and-answer period will be conducted over the Zoom Web Conferencing platform. The General Meeting will begin at 12:00 pm. Our speaker will speak at 12:15 pm.
Attendee/participants must register beforehand. On Wednesday, October 7 an e-mail will be sent to all members listed in the [LWV MryCo] contact list with instructions how to register and how to view the event.
How do you know if you’re on the contact list? If you received an e-mail with a subject line beginning [LWV MryCo] inviting you to the September meeting, or with appeals to work at the election polls, or distribute the Easy Voter Guide, you’re already on the list!
Not on the contact list? If you are a League member, you can still participate by sending an e-mail to LWVmryco [at] gmail.com and requesting invitations to meetings.
All LWVMC General Meetings are open to the public at no cost. Non-members can send a message to LWVmryco [at] gmail.com requesting an invitation.