International Relations News, Oct/Nov 2021

International Relations News, Oct/Nov 2021

United Nations Building Place des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

UN Day 2021 Celebrates Local Partnerships

by: Kathleen Montgomery

October 24 is United Nations Day, the anniversary of the founding of the UN in 1945. This year,
our local UNA-USA Orange County is joining UNA-USA San Diego to mark the occasion by
highlighting community partners in the Southern California region.

The League of Women Voters of Orange Coast is a member of the UNA-USA Orange County's
Council of Organizations and was honored at last year's celebration with the UNA-USA Local
Leader, Global Goals Award. This year, the partnership with the Human Rights Special Interest
Group, also a member of UNA-USA OC's Council of Organizations, will be highlighted. HR-SIG is
working with UNA-USA OC on their local Youth Education Program, built on the UN's 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development.

See more about the Sustainable Development Goals

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Orange Coast - International Relations Committee
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Orange Coast