Bringing diverse people together in conversations

Membership on the committee is open to all those interested in and aligned with our Charter. Committee meetings are typically monthly and are focused on developing and promoting civil discourse methods and events. We also collaborate with the National Institute for Civil Discourse (NICD) and the LWV US.
- Presentations on "What Works in Our Communities"
- Criminal Justice Solutions in Mental Health, Crime Prevention, Prison Reform, legislation
- Regular Monthly meetings - for addition to mailing list, contact :
We have delivered workshops and training events focused on multiple topics of interest
to our members and in response to the needs of our communities:
2024 Event Recordings:
2023 Event Recordings:
2022 Event Recordings:
- Policing: What Should We Do to Ensure Fair Treatment and Keep Neighborhoods Safe for Everyone
- Taxation & Spending Challenges for Finding Common Ground
- Bridging the Polarization Gap in our Political Environment ( The Science of Us vs Them )
- Unstable Community Housing
- How to Maintain the Public's Rights and its Safety
- Equity in Education
- The Racial Wealth Gap
Our workshops are based on tested materials and methods and can be tailored to the
event requester's needs.
See and/or print Conversation Agreements to aid you and others to discuss issues effectively and civilly.
There are a large number of organizations around the country concerned about our civil divide and are working to unite us. Among them:
- National Institute for Civil Discourse
- National Issues Forum Institute
- Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
- Living Room Conversations