Solano County Subscribed Articles

Solano County Subscribed Articles

Blog Post

While abortion justice is necessary for the people of DC, our lack of statehood means we have little control over the future of reproductive rights. Until DC becomes a state and has, like all other states, the ability to make its own laws and policies, we remain subject to the oversight of Congress.  

Blog Post

You may consider yourself a history buff, but how well do you know the women who shaped our democracy? Test your knowledge and learn a thing or two with this quiz!

Blog Post

On your way to college this? Congratulations! As you step into this new era of your life, make sure you're prepared to take on your new role as a participant in our democracy.

Finance report image

We are looking for 1-2 members to assist with the 2021-2022 financial review. We also want to recognize a dedicated group of individuls who donate to the League year after year beyond their member dues.

Image of Voter Registration application

We are in need of volunteers to stock Voter Registration forms in libraries, post offices, and other sites throughout our LWVDV area, particularly in East Contra Costa County (Bay Point, Pittsburg, Antioch, Brentwood, Oakley, Byron).

What is Civil Discourse?

Civil Discourse team report: Civic engagement, misinformation, and disinformation were the subject of several excellent LWVUS webinars at last month’s national convention. Among the topics discussed were the neurological basis of “Them versus Us” perceptions, effective techniques for identifying and addressing misinformation or disinformation, and tools for dealing with them.

Public Statement

Today the League of Women Voters published their 2022 redistricting report for the organization’s program People Powered Fair Maps™. The report covering three years of work shows that when people are involved, there is greater transparency in the process which results in fairer maps that elevate communities.

Blog Post

The LWVDV President provides a quick update on League activities.

Health care image

A group of LWV Diablo Valley members interested in Health Care issues meet regularly to share questions and information. We invite you to join us. Click through to see what we are following and doing in 2022!

LWVUS 2022 National Convention

The biennial 2022 National Convention of the League of Women Voters was held in June. It was very successful, with both in-person and virtual attendees. The National Convention is a biennial event that serves as LWVUS's bylaws-prescribed business meeting as well as an opportunity for League members to gather for training and networking.
