Solano County Subscribed Articles

Solano County Subscribed Articles


This interview was originally published by TheSkimm.

College freshman and League of Women Voters of New York City intern, Cassidy Recio Brenes, is excited to vote for the first time.


This article was originally published in The Daily Iowan.

Terese Grant, president of the Iowa League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan organization dedicated to protecting voter rights, said the midterms are important because the results determine who will represent Iowa in Washington D.C. and who will make state laws in Des Moines.


This profile was originally published in Midland Daily News.

Katherine Redwine, a member of the League of Women Voters of the Midland Area, discusses her efforts to empower voters in her community.


This profile was originally published by PEOPLE.

In celebration of Election Hero Day on Monday, Nov. 7, PEOPLE shares the story of four nonpartisan election officials determined to preserve America's voice

Solutions to Housing & Homelessness Problems from Around the State, Join us online on 11/30 at 5pm (PT). Panelists: Pedro Galvao and Ryan Finnigan

WHEN: November 30, 2022 @ 5 PM (PT)
League members and the public are invited to join us for this webinar to learn more about how housing and homelessness issues are being addressed throughout California. Register today!

Public Statement

LWV of Texas called on the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to publicly assert Texas election officials’ duty to maintain the proper voting ballot chain of custody as required by federal law, and to step in swiftly if those duties are not upheld.  

Public Statement

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Today, the League of Women Voters of Tennesee and the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee secured a court order to protect the right to vote of hundreds, if

not thousands, of Davidson County voters who would have been unable to vote in the races for their districts on November 8 due to receiving incorrect ballots.


Civil Discourse words

Civil Discourse is courteous, constructive communication characterized by mutual respect, openness and attentive listening. It helps people bridge divides and facilitates the informed discussion of public issues essential for government bodies and citizens to make good decisions.

Public Statement

Jefferson City, Mo. — This afternoon, a judge for the Cole County Circuit Court granted a preliminary injunction in our LWV MO and Missouri NAACP v. Missouri lawsuit, which blocks enforcement of several provisions in H.B. 1878 that criminalizes voter engagement activity and distribution of absentee ballot applications conducted by civic engagement groups.

Blog Post

You've cast your vote and possibly received the results  — so what do you do now to defend democracy? Our advocacy, litigation, and voting rights teams have some tips.
