Solano County Subscribed Articles

Solano County Subscribed Articles

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Here's how you can access the Annual Meeting Information Kit:
1) You can read the full text of the Kit and proposed Bylaw changes below and print it if you like.
Voter's Edge Media Partnership press Release, voting, primary election, voter guide, nonpartisan, los angeles times, public radio, cap radio, gotv, facts
Public Statement

Online Guide Provides Comprehensive, Unbiased Information for California Voters


Help Californians vote with confidence on Election Day using our unbiased online voter guide, Voter's Edge.

Voter education Toolkit, cavotes, gotv, unbiased, voter guide, LWV, California, voting

Plain Language Messaging & Graphics for the Upcoming Election

SYC Forum Training
Contact Marilee Scholl                                   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Email LWVSolano [at]
Adriana Champagne Zamora, Trudy Schafer Fellowship, California, grassroots, advocacy

Adrianna will carry on Trudy’s legacy and the work of the League in fighting for a fair and just California.

Cynthia Heard, a 2022 Black Women’s Collective Trailblazer Hall of Fame Award Recipient, womens history month, California
Public Statement

LWVC Board member recognized by the Black Women's Collective.

Kandea Mosley Gandhi, League of Women Voters, Women's History Month, California

Planting the seeds for healthy, transformational change.

Health care image

A group of LWV Diablo Valley members interested in Health Care issues meet regularly to share questions and information. We invite you to join us. Click through to see what we are following and doing in 2022!

Image of Civil Discourse Zoom meeting for CC BOS

by Melanie Speir, Civil Discourse Team
