Solano County Subscribed Articles

Solano County Subscribed Articles

Image of Voter Registration Here sign

Volunteers needed for Voter Registration days - coming soon!

Blog Post

LWV Diablo Valley has established a unique, new structure for our Board of Directors leadership. Instead of a single individual serving as Board President, we will operate with a group we are calling Monthly Presidents (MPs). This group of six will rotate as president during the year 2021-2022.

Quilts4DC image

This summer, be part of the great legacy of American quilt-making as a means of patriotic expression!

Icon depicting a city or government building

This is the compilation of the reports from members observing the Lafayette City Council meetings, in reverse chronological order.

LWV Solano Adopt-A-Poll September 14, 2021
Thanks to all of you who joined the Solano League of Women Voters Adopt A Poll Initiative
It's now fully staffed!

Find out more about our newest National Holiday from the National League!
