Solano County Subscribed Articles

Solano County Subscribed Articles

Celebrating League women for women's history month, California

Find out more about what inspires our League members to make history.

Blog Post

The LWVDV President of the Month provides a quick update on League activities.

Nina Senn, Oakland, Women's History Month, mentoring, League of Women Voters, California

Harnessing the power of mentoring for women.

Public Statement

Find out more about our nonpartisan voter guide for California

Benicia Proclamation Heading March 2022
The following Proclamation was presented to LWV Solano County
on March 15, 2022, by the City of Benicia
"Healing our Democracy in a Digital World" Free Online Town Hall

After the "Healing our Democracy in a Digital World" Town Hall panel discussion, attendees will be invited to join breakout groups to discuss several questions. LWVDV has been asked to provide facilitators for this event. Help us to support civil dialogue about how social media affects our polarized democracy!

Beth Pitton August, Just the Beginning, Santa Barbara, Womens HIstory Month, League of Women Voters

Find out how Beth is documenting women's political power and history through film.

Gloria Chun Hoo, San Jose, League of Women Voters, Womens History Month

Making history through public policy reform.

Stephanie Gomez, Los Angeles, Women's History Month

Read more about what inspires Stephanie to make history every day.

Fair maps

Pleasant Hill may move to by-district elections. Groups are learning about what this will mean for the city. Select "Read More" for full information.
Redistricting is the process where district lines are redrawn within a jurisdiction, based on population. Fair, representative redistricting plans ensure that elected officials will be responsive for voters in their communities. Public participation in map-drawing is critical to ensure that communities have the strongest voice possible. You can meet with elected officials, attend public meetings, work with your neighbors, and use social media to encourage others to participate.
