Solano County Subscribed Articles

Solano County Subscribed Articles

Count Me In - census logo

Census 2020 has been underway for almost two months and so far, 69.3% of Contra Costa County residents and 54% of Californians have responded. Currently, volunteers are doing phone banking to households that have not responded.


We recommend this article from the Public Policy Institute which provides insights and analysis on Millenial voters and California Politics from August 2019.

young girl reading newspaper

May League news to keep you connected! Hint: Zoom is the word of the season, if not the year, and we are making the most of it!

Illustration, health care workers with face shields, title Shield the Bay
Member's Spotlight

Our own League member Catherine Newman is addressing COVID-19 “hands on”, with her UC Berkeley engineering friends. Read more about how you can help this team . . .

Blog Post

The Annual Meeting will now be online, on Saturday, June 20 starting at 10:00 am (9:30 sign-on). Need Zoom training for this meeting? It's available.

Logo for campaign, Schools and Communities First
Blog Post

Schools and Communities First (SCF) needs you! 

generic city council chamber
Blog Post

See this month's reports from our busy observers!

Suffragist Maria Guadalupe Evangelina Lopéz
Blog Post

Maria Guadalupe Evangelina Lopéz was a Los Angeles suffragist and educator.

young girl reading newspaper

April League news to keep you connected! There’s more to life than coronavirus, and to prove that, here are some ways to stay interested and involved in League activities!

Blog Post

Got Zoom? We continue to hold our Action/Advocacy Team meetings and our Board Meetings. We are using the virtual method of online Zoom video and voice service for our meetings. We invite and need your attendance at our LWVDV Annual Membership Meeting on May 30.
