Solano County Subscribed Articles

Solano County Subscribed Articles

young girl reading newspaper

Onwards into September and a full month of election activities, meetings, and volunteer opportunities -- plus Ruth Bader Ginsberg and an anniversary quote to remember.

Important Volunteer activities are available to suit your skills and time – just an hour or two a month or more.
pills, syringe, $50 bills

The Healthy California for All Commission held its first meeting on January 27 in Sacramento. The charge of the commission is to provide the Governor and Legislature with options and recommendations to advance progress toward achieving a health care delivery system that provides coverage and access to all Californians through a unified financing system, including, but not limited to, a single-payer financing system.

Blog Post

Do you want to work together with our neighbors and other non-partisan groups to turn this year of pandemic, heat, fire, and smoke into a positive voting experience? Volunteer with our League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley to register and educate voters, encourage early voting, and get out the vote.

Poll Worker

On August 12th, the CA Secretary of State's Office launched CA’s first statewide Poll Worker Portal to make defending our democracy easier than ever!

young girl reading newspaper

It’s August, fewer than 100 days to the election, and there’s lots to do! It’s also the Centennial of the 19th Amendment, with many commemorations. Plus an inside look at what the Board does, and a royal suffragist!

Census 2020
News - Don't Be Left Out. Be Counted!  

It's easy and just takes about 10 minutes. No citizenship questions. No personally identifiable information will be published.

image of Wilhelmina Dowsett
Blog Post

Wilhelmina Dowsett established the National Women’s Equal Suffrage Association of Hawaii (WESAH) in 1912, the first suffrage organization in Hawaii.

Blog Post

It is clear that each and every one of us can do something to right our tilting ship and repair our tattered democracy.
