Solano County Subscribed Articles

Solano County Subscribed Articles

dome of state capitol in Sacramento

This commission, which replaces the Council on Health Care Delivery Systems, has just been passed by the Legislature and signed into law (SB 104, section 4). Its purpose is to develop “a plan for advancing progress toward achieving a health care delivery system for California that provides coverage and access through a unified financing system, including, but not limited to a single payer financing system, for all Californians.”

group of women listening to speaker

We hold orientations for new members quarterly, to give you an overview of League's history, mission, procedures, current priorities and how you can get involved. If you have joined LWVDV recently and haven't yet attended an orientation, please click through to fill out a short survey so we can pick the best time for our next one!

multi-colored waving hands
Blog Post

An Issue Resource Chair, previously known as Item Chair, is a member who focuses on learning and being a resource person for the League about a given topic (such as Gun Violence Prevention or Climate Change). By having one team, or even one person, specializing in the action and advocacy of each topic, we have the opportunity to respond and understand far more issues.

Suzan Requa, LWVDV co-president
Blog Post

Dear Leaders, Members and Friends of the League:

We are here for you and our communities as we have been for one hundred years (next year).

young girl reading newspaper

This is our June/July newsletter, with upcoming meetings (Annual Meeting!), reports on activities (Voter Education, Observer Corps), Advocacy updates and much much more. Read it all!


Did you respond to the recent Action Alerts from LWV California? If so, here is a message from LWVC President Helen Hutchison with a progress report:

woman at podium with audience members behind her
Blog Post

Martha Goralka, Observer

photo of Martha Goralka
Blog Post

Leaders’ Letters

From Martha Goralka, LWVDV Co-President:

young girl reading newspaper

This is our May newsletter, with upcoming meetings (Census 2020!), reports on activities (Student Voter Education, Healthcare, Observer Corps), and much much more. Read it all!
