LWVNCA 2022 Annual Convention, May 7- ALL ITEMS APPROVED

LWVNCA 2022 Annual Convention, May 7- ALL ITEMS APPROVED

LWV of National Capital Area Logo-red,blue




May 7, 2022, 9:30 AM ~ 1:00 PM

Check-in 9:30 to 10:00 AM; Meeting begins 10:00AM 

PDF icon Convention Flyer with Registration Link


2022 CONVENTION WORKBOOK IS READY-Click here to view or download

See the LWV of Howard County's Annual Report PDF icon HERE.  (submitted after the Workbook was published)

List of Resources (at bottom of page) 

It is that time again.  The 2022 LWVNCA  Annual Convention will again be held virtually by Zoom on Saturday, May 7.  At the 2022 Convention, we will be approving a Budget for FY22-23, Electing Officers and Board members, and refining our program.  According to LWVNCA Bylaws, the date for notifying Leagues of items for consideration is 30 days before Convention, so watch for updates by April 7.  The complete Convention Workbook will be made available electronically later in April. Items for consideration and approval are listed below.

Picture of Ayo Atterberry, LWVUS Chief Strategy OfficerConvention will start at 10:00 AM with Keynote Speaker Ayo Atterberry, LWVUS Chief Strategy Officer [PDF icon view bio here] with panelists from the three jurisdictions (DC, MD & VA) who will discuss the latest developments in voting rights and voting laws in the U.S. and the region.

Delegate registration will end 5PM, May 6.  Remember to select "delegate" on your registration if you have been appointed as a delegate from your League.  Delegate count by League is listed in chart below. Membership and delegate numbers have been sent to local Leagues as follows:

League Membership & Delegate Numbers by League are:

League                                                      2021    2022                    Total Delegates                               
LWV of the District of Columbia             (250)    195                               4                                      
LWV of Maryland                                                                                       1
LWV of Howard County                              (121)    108                              4
LWV of Montgomery County                      (544)     426                              7
LWV of Prince Georges' County                  (50)      33                               3
LWV of Frederick County                           (100)      94                               3
LWV of Virginia                                                                                          1
LWV of Arlington and Alexandria City        (253)      223                             5                
LWV Fairfax Area                                       (452)      376                             6                  
LWV of Falls Church[City]                            (69)      100                             3                  
LWV of Loudoun County                              (95)        41                             3       
LWV of Prince William-Fauquier Area*                       72                             3
   *New in 2022                                                           
TOTAL DELEGATES                   43                                  


  • Proposed Agenda/Order of Business 

LWVNCA Annual Convention, Saturday, May 7, 2022
10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Proposed Order of Business

PDF icon Click here to view as stand-alone document

Virtual Meeting call to Order Joyce Starks, President

10:00 – 10:45       Welcome & Introductions            Joyce Starks, LWVNCA President

Keynote Speaker Ayo Atterberry, LWVUS Chief Strategy Officer
Presidents from LWVDC (Kathy Chiron), LWVMD (Nancy Soreng), LWV-VA (Deb Wake) will serve as Panelists
Topic: The latest developments in voting rights and voting laws in the U.S. and in the Region; followed by Q & A.
Moderated by President Joyce Starks

10:45 – 12:45                  Business Meeting Begins
Roll Call of Member Leagues                            Substitute Secretary, Kathy Matusiak
Credentials Report                                            Credentials Committee, Bill Thomas & Sherry Zachry
Adoption of Order of Business                          President Joyce Starks
Adoption of Convention Rules                          Parliamentarian, Sherry Zachry
Minutes of 2021 Convention- previously approved by the LWVNCA Board
Appointment of a Reading Committee for the 2022 Convention Minutes     President Joyce Starks
Treasurer’s Report                                                                                          Treasurer Bill Thomas
Presentation, Discussion & Approval of
           Proposed FY 2022 –2023 LWVNCA Budget                             Budget Chair Kathy Matusiak                          
Nominating Committee Report & Election of
          Officers and Directors for 2022-2024                                    Nominating Chair Kathy McGuire   
President's  Report                                                                                          President Joyce Starks
12:30 – 1:00                   New Business
Directions to the Board


  • Proposed Rules of Convention

Proposed Rules of the 2022 LWVNCA Convention  

A. The following rules are prescribed by the LWVNCA bylaws:
1. Proceedings will be guided by the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, unless the LWVNCA bylaws prescribe otherwise. (Article X)
2. Voting privileges are limited to delegates from member Leagues (local and state) in good standing and LWVNCA Board members. (Article VII, Section 2)
a. “Each delegate representing a local or state League shall be entitled to vote only if that League has met its per member payment responsibilities.
b. The LWVNCA board may make an exception in the case of proven hardship.”
c. To conform to this bylaw, representatives from Leagues not paid in full will not have the privilege of the floor, the right to vote, or the right to make motions. PMP will be accepted any time before the opening plenary session to enable Leagues to have delegates with full voting privilege.
3. How to vote using Zoom
a. Use the raise your hand icon to vote and the secretary/president when acknowledge all votes have been counted.
b. After you vote please lower the raise hand icon.
4. Nominations for elected positions may be made from the floor, provided the consent of the nominee has been obtained. (Article VIII, Section 3)

B. The following proposed rules are subject to approval by a majority vote of the Convention. Delegates may elect to amend these proposals or introduce others.
1. Floor privileges
a. All League members shall have the right to speak.
b. At in person meetings, a member wishing to address the Convention shall stand (as they are able). Zoom meetings: Members will use the Zoom “raise hand feature “to request recognition. The chair will do her best to recognize people in order. When recognized by the chair, a member shall state her/his name and member-League affiliation.
c. Discussion will be limited to two minutes per speaker unless otherwise specified.

2. Motions. Only delegates and LWVNCA Board members can make motions. All motions of substance shall be entered in the Chat Box. At in person meetings, motion forms are available at the registration table.

3. When you are not speaking or casting a voice vote, please mute your phone or computer.

4. Minutes. The Secretary will draft the Convention minutes, clear them with a reading committee appointed at the convention and submit the resulting version to the LWVNCA Board for approval.

5. Directions to the Board. Directions should be sent to the president in advance of the meeting at JoyceStarks [at] aol.com. At the meeting, they can be submitted by writing them in the Chat Box.


  • Proposed Budget for FY22-23 with accompanying Statement

PDF icon View or download Proposed Budget


The LWVNCA FY 2022-2023 Proposed Budget shows total expected funding and expenditures of $7,250 as compared to $9,650 in FY2021-2022. The LWVNCA will hold per-member-payment (PMP) steady at $1.10 per primary member and $0.55 for additional household members. The Budget Committee projects $1,568 in PMP income. This is a decrease of $220 from last year’s PMP, reflecting a small drop in membership from February 2021 to February 2022, which is understandable in the second year of a pandemic.

Last year the Budget Committee assumed that we would be able to resume live events by the Fall. This did not occur but we do believe that this year will be the change and we can resume live events. Therefore, we have included funds to support the Presidents’ Luncheon in the Fall and the Annual Convention in May 2023. All those events require a registration fee or other payment, and total event revenue of $2,480 is included in income. Total expenses for the three events are estimated at $3,250, so we will be drawing on our reserves for approximately $770. We also assumed that the LWVUS would hold an in-person Council in June of 2023 and included $500 to send a representative (typically the President or Co-Presidents) to that meeting.

We included a fundraiser event that would bring in an estimated $1,000 in revenue. The Board has discussed various events to make this come about. This fundraiser will help to cover the loss of expected income from the Capital Steps that closed down during the pandemic.

We also will carry over $400 from this year’s budget for the Madeleine Naumann Award, which will now be presented in 2023. We draw some $1,993 from reserves to balance revenues and expenditures, approximately the amount we saved this year by cancelling some events and making others virtual.

The LWVNCA Board expresses its thanks to the FY2022-2023 Budget Committee: Kathy Matusiak, chair, and members Joyce Starks. William Thomas, Treasurer, was the Ex Officio member.

PDF icon Statement from the Budget Committee Chair, Kathy Matusiak   


  • Nominating Committee Report for 2022 

The Nominating Committee presents the following Slate of Nominees for LWVNCA Officers and Directors to be elected at the May 7, 2022 Annual Convention.

Nominees for LWVNCA Officers and Directors, 2022 – 2024                                                                                                                

Vice President                   Kathy Matusiak (LWVAr/Alx)
Treasurer                          Carol Bursik (LWVFA)
Erni Bridges (LWVFA)
Anne Laroche (LWVDC)
Nominating Committee for 2022-23
Kathy Chiron, Chair (LWVDC)
Sarah Matthews (LWVFR)
Geraldine Whitley (LWVDC)

Recommendations from the Nominating Committee: 

The Board should consider changing their meeting day from Friday to another weekday and meeting in late afternoon or evening. This change would help increase the pool of potential LWVNCA nominees to include members, who are unable to meet during work hours.

Respectfully submitted,

LWVNCA 2022 Nominating Committee 
Kathy McGuire, Nominating Committee Chair
Members: Sarah McMeans, Deb Wake, Geraldine Whitley, Sherry Zachry


View or download Nominating Committee Report PDF icon HERE 


  • LWVNCA 2021-23 Program Update (approval not needed)


The Committee put on a workshop on February 26, 2022 entitled “Flooding – Plans to Prepare for Climate Change Impacts on Stormwater Management.”
We had three great speakers: Dr. Dan Medina (Alexandria), Frank Dawson (Montgomery County MD) and Catherine Torgersen (Fairfax County). They presented so much great information for League advocacy with great source information, quality of each presentation and greatly inspired questions and answers.
Sarah Matthews did a great job as Moderator during the entire process of managing the introductions, leading to the next Speaker and managing the questions. Cindy Snow from the Montgomery County League put the final flyer together. We also had tremendous help from Barbara Lipsky and Sherry Zachry on flyer distribution.
Deb Wake allowed us to use the LWV-VA Zoom site for the workshop and that worked out well. Joan Porte acted as Administrator and helped with all facets of zoom access and connection. Bill Thomas set up Eventbrite for registration and was integral in getting the zoom access links to all who registered.
We had 69 registration and over 50 people were consistently on line during the entire workshop, a great response.
The workshop has been recorded put on the LWVNCA website by Sherry Zachry. This will allow access to NCA League Committees working on Climate Change Impacts on Stormwater Management, as well as understanding how past Land Use Practices contribute to flooding today. Both concepts should help League advocacy inform future Legislation and Policy on preparing for Flooding Resiliency in this Region.
The committee also reviewed its objective in updating positions and planned to look into this. In its review, it was determined by committee members that there were too many positions to review by this committee. By way of explanation, there were originally 4 members of the committee; 2 took on the task of setting up of a climate change workshop for 2022 (getting speakers and a venue, etc.) and 2 took on position review. One of the position review members was unable to participate fully due to other obligations and this left too few people to complete the task. The committee does not have the members to take this on at this time. We recommend that LWVNCA set up a more comprehensive committee to take this on in the 2022-2023 fiscal year and make a report/recommendation at the 2023 convention.

Program Committee - Kathy Matusiak, Edna Miller, Sarah Matthews

PDF icon View document here


Current LWVNCA Officers and Board of Directors

President - Joyce Starks (LWVPGC)
Secretary – Barbara Lipsky (LWVFC)
Treasurer – Bill Thomas (LWVFA)
Vice President – Kathy Matusiak (LWVAR)
LWVNCA Directors:
Carol Bursik (LWVFA)
Erni Bridges (LWVFA)
Kathy Chiron (LWVDC)
Carole Conors (LWVHC)
Edna Miller (LWVMC)
LIAISONS FROM MEMBER LEAGUES (Liaisons are members of the board):
LWVDC - Sarah McMeans 
LWVMD - Linda Kohn 
LWVFR - Mary Sue Krause 
LWVHC - Carole Conors 
LWVMC - Sue DeGraba
LWVPGC - Dr. Gail Dickson  
LWV-VA - Deb Wake
LWVAr/Alx - Kathy Matusiak 
LWVFA - Pat Fege & Anu Sahai
LWVFC - Barbara Lipsky 
LWVLC - Priscilla Godfrey
LWVPW-FA - Janet Gorn
Elected Nominating Committee for 2021-22
Kathy McGuire, Chair (LWVMC)
Geraldine Whitley (LWVDC)
Sherry Zachry (LWVFA)

Webmaster (Off-board): Sherry Zachry 
LWVNCAWebmaster [at] gmail.com




PDF icon LWVHC Annual Report

PDF icon Proposed Order of Business (stand-alone file)

PDF icon Proposed LWVNCA Budget for FY2023-24

PDF icon Nominating Committee Report

PDF icon LWVNCA BYLAWS, As Amended May 1, 2021

LINK TO LWVNCA POSITIONS, Readopted May 1, 2021

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Contact Webmaster (LWVNCAWebmaster [at] gmail.com) with questions.