SJR101 – This resolution proposes that signatures must be collected from all 35 legislative districts instead of the current 18 districts for referenda and initiatives to qualify to be placed on the ballot. If passed by the legislature, the Joint Resolution will be placed on the November 2024 General Election ballot and voters will ultimately decide whether to adopt the resolution.
SJR101 is proposing an amendment to Section 1, Article III of the Idaho Constitution to provide that initiative petitions must be signed by a minimum of 6% of legal voters of the last general election in each of the legislative districts totaling 35 within 60 days.
Bill status:
SJR101 is in the third reading order on the Senate’s reading calendar. It is expected to be debated Monday, February 27. Eighteen senators are co-sponsors. Five Republicans are needed to vote with the Democrats to kill this in the Senate.
League position:
Principles P. 10, Impact on Issues 2022-2024
“The League of Women Voters believes responsible government should be responsive to the will of the people;”
The Idaho Supreme Court ruled in 2021 that the Legislature’s change from signatures from 6% of registered voters in the required 18 legislative districts to 35 districts would in effect eliminate Idahoans’ constitutional right to place referenda and initiatives on the ballot because it was an undue burden to do so. SJR101 is an end-run around the courts and a cynical effort to end grassroots initiative efforts. It is also possible that the majority party will write the pro and con positions for the voter’s pamphlet as they did in the most recent amendment that appeared on the November 2022 ballot. This is bad governance and strips Idahoans of a constitutional right.
Take Action:
Please email the following senators who may be persuadable and tell them to vote NO on this naked power grab:
Senator Schroeder - GSchroeder [at]
Senator Guthrie - JGuthrie [at]
Senator Bernt - TBernt [at]
Senator Lent - DLent [at]
Senator VanOrden - JVanOrden [at]
Senator Harris - MHarris [at]
President pro tem Winder - CWinder [at]
Senators Harris and Winder are co-sponsors but let’s give them a chance to do the right thing by the people of Idaho and stop this power grab!
Suggested message:
- SJR101 is unnecessary as evidenced by the recent participation of tens of thousands of Idahoans in the initiative process. Idahoans value this right as affirmed by the Idaho Supreme Court.
- The Idaho Supreme Court ruled recently that collecting signatures from all 35 counties was an undue burden for grassroots, volunteer signature gathering.
- Requiring all 35 districts gives any one district veto power over the other 34 districts.
Talking Points:
- The sponsors say having all 35 districts involved gives rural areas a greater say. In reality, the undue burden placed on signature gatherers will render initiatives all but extinct. Voters in rural areas and urban areas will lose their voice.
- The sponsors say this bill will keep out well-funded organizations from out of state looking to put unwanted initiatives on Idaho ballots. In reality, it will ensure that ONLY well-funded organizations with paid signature gatherers will attempt all 35 districts in the required 60 days.
- If SJR101 passes and is placed on the ballot, it will require a massive, expensive voter education effort for Idahoans to keep the initiative right.
-For more information contact Kendal Shaber kendal.shaber1 [at]