We are truly a grassroots organization...
The League of Women Voters of Idaho takes action on an issue or advocates for a cause when there is an existing League position that supports the issue or speaks to the cause. Get involved! There are many ways to have your voice heard by elected officials and policymakers. Take action on League priorities today.
Idaho Legislative Tutorial
We gather information about when to advocate for our positions by being informed on what is going on with the Idaho Legislature when it is in session. You can find our handy guide on how to keep track of bills and contact a legislator using this link: Idaho Legislative Website Tutorial. Being an informed citizen is one step that we can all take to promote democracy.
Positions result from a process of study. Any given study, whether it be National, State, or Local, is thorough in its pursuit of facts and details. As the study progresses, a continuing discussion of the pros and cons of each situation occurs. Prior to the results of the study being presented to the general membership, study committee members fashion consensus questions that are then addressed by the membership.
Additional discussion, pros, and cons take place as members (not part of the study committee) learn the scope of the study. After the members reach a consensus, the board forms positions based on that consensus.
It is the consensus statement -- the statement resulting from the consensus questions -- that becomes a position. Firm action or advocacy can then be taken on the particular issue addressed by the position. Without a position, action/advocacy cannot be taken.
Action Alerts
Communicating with elected officials helps them understand the issues that are important to you. Action Alerts are issued to our grassroots network to take action on particular issues. The alerts provide detailed instructions on who and when to contact your elected officials, and best practices to make your voice heard.
Bill Tracker
Our bill tracker tracks selected bills presented during the current session at the Idaho Legislature based on League positions and principals. We use this tool to take action in support the League's advocacy efforts when we promote or oppose specific pieces of legislation.
The Board of Directors has set priorities based on the current needs of Idahoans, their relevancy to LWVID’s mission, their political feasibility, and their urgency. We use committees, comprised of League members, to create real change and have fun doing so at the same time! Volunteering for a committee is a great way to become familiar with how the League operates and to learn about its involvement in local, state, and national issues.
Contact Elected Officials
Contacting elected officials is a vital part of democracy and enables people to make their voices heard by those who represent them. Some of our local Leagues, such as the Pocatello and Lewis Clark Valley, have also created directories of locally elected officials in their communities.