Honoring 50 Years of Service: A Tribute to Longtime League of Women Voters of Idaho Members

Honoring 50 Years of Service: A Tribute to Longtime League of Women Voters of Idaho Members

Elinor Cheney
Blog Post

The League of Women Voters of Idaho is proud to celebrate the remarkable achievement of several of our members who have devoted 50 years of service to advancing democracy and empowering voters. These dedicated individuals have worked tirelessly to ensure that Idahoans have access to the information and resources they need to make informed decisions.

To honor their service, we’ve put together a special YouTube video highlighting their incredible contributions. Be sure to watch the video and hear from the honorees themselves as they share what this milestone means to them and reflect on their years of service.

Meet the Honorees:

  • Muriel R. Roberts, League of Women Voters of Pocatello

"I joined the League in Pocatello as a young mother. We held Unit Meetings in homes, and sometimes in a local bowling alley, where our kids could use the playroom. My son liked to go to his "Block meeting." Those were the days when LWV was studying and reaching consensus about issues such as environmental protection and pollution control. I recall the unit meeting where a member of the study committee illustrated what point source pollution meant. Eventually, we had the positions nailed down, and we just needed to work for their application.

I remember the League working to protect fundamental rights and individual liberties under the threat of McCarthyism. Encouraging and supporting citizens' voting rights has always been an important part of League work. We have told and re-told the stories of the suffragists, and our League leadership in finally passing the 19th amendment. We have supported voting rights for the citizens of Washington DC, "the Last Colony," and later, statehood for DC. Having studied and adopted positions on the important issues of our day, League is always at work seeing that our positions are enacted and implemented. 

I am happy to have been involved in the Idaho League at several different points, as I moved in and out of Pocatello. But, wherever I have gone, League has been an important part of my life."

  • Jane Streubel, League of Women Voters of Pocatello

"Days after our family arrived in Pocatello in August of 1974, I joined the League and became deeply involved.

My first presidency was 1976. At that time, we had 30 some members and I was determined to have 76 because we had to celebrate the USA’s Declaration of Independence. By election time we had 76 plus members.

Another memory was helping write an Equalization of Education Funding grant and receiving this from the Ford Foundation. League members working with me were Kathleen Warnick (Moscow LWV) and Mary Mech (Boise LWV and State President). We traveled to school districts, conferences, etc., presenting the facts of how Idaho had many education inequities.

Other memories that stand out are our attempt to reach all eligible voters by giving talks at high schools, being present at Idaho State University, Farmers’ markets, naturalization ceremonies and helping at the elections.

League has always stressed the importance of being an informed voter by providing candidacy forums, studying issues and arriving at consensus before advocating for an issue.

Today, the need for correct, non-partisan information is basic to democracy and League must continue to present this."

  • Marian Breckenridge, League of Women Voters of Kootenai County
    "A reader may wonder why an elderly, middle class white person is writing about Civil Rights and recent African American history. Because I was there. All history is written or spoken by those who experience it, from their point of view."
  • Donna Boe, League of Women Voters of Pocatello

"One of my favorite memories of League is the multiple and diverse ways we registered voters . The alternate high school, Farmers' Market, Cinco de Mayo festival at Ft. Hall, Idaho State University, naturalization ceremonies, and at the polls. The effort was to get all eligible voters registered and motivated to vote.

Another favorite memory is the emphasis we placed on informed votes, and many ways we tried to inform the public through candidate forums, study, consensus, and advocacy on political issues.

I am motivated to continue my involvement in League of Women Voters because I see the need for the accurate, non-partisan information that LWV can provide in this age of powerful social media."

  • Kay Keskinen, League of Women Voters of Moscow

"My most outstanding memory is from my first Moscow League meeting in the fall of 1972. I was 23 years old and found myself in a room full of fantastic female role models. Activism was everywhere, I was so excited to become a part of this group.

I had volunteered during my college years, but I soon realized that being an active League member took volunteering to a new level. I am ever so grateful for the role models and opportunities I had from League that gave me a solid foundation for being a valuable volunteer. One cannot “slide by” on any League activity a person worked on. Standards were high, deadlines had to be met. Helping with League projects gave me new experiences and skills to master that carried into not only League work but also into my professional life and other volunteer organizations.

As a young woman who could not vote until she turned 21, I had admired the League of Women Voters from a distance. I wanted to vote and be an educated voter. I continue to support the goals and purpose of the League. My level of involvement with League is not as high as it has been, but the seeds of volunteering and community service that were planted in me at my first Moscow League meeting continued to grow.

One final point I want to make about volunteering for the Moscow League of Women Voters was that volunteering then became a part of who I was. When I retired from the University of Idaho in 2003, I soon joined the WA-ID Volunteer Center as a registered volunteer, helping League as well as other non-profit organizations in Moscow and statewide. I log my monthly hours with the Volunteer Center and am proud that my current total of my volunteer hours since 2003 is 13,735."

  • Betty Leslie, League of Women Voters of Moscow

"I had come to Idaho originally to teach Dental Hygiene at Idaho State University (ISU)...where I met my George who had been teaching Mathematics at ISU. I started attending LWV meetings in Pocatello the year our daughter was born...because they had child care available. Pocatello was an active legislative district, and I remember participating in candidate forums and voter registration. I joined that league in May of 1973. At that time, interest was high in the Equal Rights Amendment issue.

Our family moved to Troy in the early 1980's (we had been coming up to help farm a homestead there during the summers) and in 1981 we built a new home on the farm.

I had done a lot of volunteer work with the Troy Elementary School Library while my daughter attended schools in Troy, but I worked primarily as a dental hygienist in Moscow. I also did some substitute work in the county libraries.

I attended the LWV Moscow meetings at the UI about the time that the Roe v. Wade issue was being considered, and here we are 50 years later! I remember traveling to Boise, Idaho Falls and McCall for various state board and other meetings with Gladys Bellinger, Pat Scott and Louise Regelin. Elinor Chehey (Boise) was busy with legislative activities even back then! I recall League being active in the initial study of Reapportionment.

I still drive donations from Winco Foods to the Troy Food Bank each week and have enjoyed working on quilt construction for World Relief with the Troy Lutheran Church.

Being a lifetime member of the League and procuring my certificate and letter from the LWVUS president seems a bit overwhelming--in retrospect of all the League has given to me!"

  • Elinor Cheney, League of Women Voters of Boise MAL Unit

"I have seen the League accomplish many things over the years. We have made an impact in childcare when in the early 1970’s LWVID joined with other organizations to lobby for child care licensing. Several cities in Idaho had child care licensing. There was a state law with standards but no enforcement. It took until 1987 to get statewide child care licensing with some enforcement.

We also were able to get kindergarten after seven years of lobbying added to the Idaho public school system in1973. Even now, it is optional.

We have lobbied for adequate state funding for public schools. Income tax cuts in the past 24 years have led to increased supplemental property taxes. The legislature is finally providing state funds for school levy tax relief.

In 1974 we organized an initiative to require campaign finance reporting and lobbyist expense and activity reporting. It passed with 70% approval in the 1974 election.

We studied redistricting in other states in 1987 and found good recommendations from several states with citizens commissions. The legislature was not interested in this new idea. We tried an initiative. Citizens weren’t excited. After the legislature had to go through a painful redistricting in 1991-92, they decided that citizens commission wasn’t such a bad idea. They wrote a constitutional amendment that was very close to what we had proposed. The voters approved it in the 1994 election.

Recent years, not a lot of new studies. Lots of action at the legislature, for public school funding and voting rights. For 50+ years
we have worked with Idaho Public television on the Idaho Debates. In recent years we have provided online candidate information
in Vote411.org. We invite candidates to respond to questionnaires and give them space to respond in their own words. Vote411
has links to home addresses, so people can find the candidates in their district, county and city."

  • Betsy McBride, League of Women Voters of Boise MAL Unit

"I joined the League of Women Voters of Boise in 1970 and worked on clean air legislation and the first zoning meetings to protect sections of what would become the Boise Greenbelt. Corporate transfers to a dozen states meant joining an additional 12 other Leagues before returning to Boise in 2011.

League was the place to find “sisters” also passionate about public policy and the role of citizens.

Besides providing enduring friendships across the country, League work gave me the tools for all of my related professional jobs ranging from corporate government relations to founding a regional non-profit to support citizen participation, particularly in the most contentious public choices."

We’re so grateful for their unwavering commitment to the League's mission. Their passion for civic engagement, education, and voter advocacy has left a lasting impact on Idaho and beyond.

Be sure to watch the full video to hear more inspiring words from these outstanding women who have dedicated half a century to making a difference.

Watch the full video here:

Congratulations to these amazing members, and thank you for your dedication to the League of Women Voters of Idaho!

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