Looking for Volunteers
Volunteers are need in many areas for LWVID. We need you!
Advocacy: Our Advocacy Chair, Mary Bostick, has moved to western Washington, so we no longer have her in our League. I’m sure you all know her name from the action emails she has sent out. I already miss her. That leaves an open position for an advocacy chair.
Newsletter Editor: Our newsletter editor has resigned as she is now running for the Legislature in district 5. Since I am acting editor for this newsletter, I already miss her, too. The task of editor is to collect the content for publication. We have a copy editor who will edit all content and ready for publication. Then there is the putting the newsletter together. This can be done with any format you wish.
NW Energy Coalition: Our NW Energy Coalition representative was Mary McGown. LWVID is a member of the coalition and we need someone to represent League on the coalition. The position would basically include the participation in coalition meetings and events and be the main contact person for our organization.
If you are interested in helping in any of these areas or would like to know more, please let me know. I do need your help.
~Susan Ripley, President of the League of Women Voters of Idaho